Toward a Calculus of Meaning
Studies in markedness, distinctive features and deixis
This volume contains papers presented at a symposium in honor of Cornelis H. van Schooneveld and invited papers on the topics of invariance, markedness, distinctive feature theory and deixis. It is not a Festschrift in the usual sense of the word, but more of a collection of articles which represent a very specific way of defining and viewing language and linguistics. The specific approach presented in this volume has its origins and inspirations in the theoretical and methodological paradigm of European Structuralism in general, and the sign-oriented legacy of Ferdinand de Saussure and Charles Sanders Peirce and the functional and communication-oriented approach of the Prague School in particular.
The book is divided in three sections: Theoretical and Methodological Overview: Cornelis H. van Schooneveld; Anatoly Liberman; Petr Sgall; Alla Bemova and Eva Hajicova; Robert Kirsner. Studies in Russian and Slavic Languages: Edna Andrews; Lawrence E. Feinberg; Annie Joly Sperling; Ronald E. Feldstein; Irina Dologova and Elena Maksimova; Stefan M. Pugh. Applications to Other Languages, Language Families, and Aphasia: Ellen Contini-Morava; Barbara A. Fennell; Victor A. Friedman; Robert Fradkin; Yishai Tobin; Mark Leikin.
The book is divided in three sections: Theoretical and Methodological Overview: Cornelis H. van Schooneveld; Anatoly Liberman; Petr Sgall; Alla Bemova and Eva Hajicova; Robert Kirsner. Studies in Russian and Slavic Languages: Edna Andrews; Lawrence E. Feinberg; Annie Joly Sperling; Ronald E. Feldstein; Irina Dologova and Elena Maksimova; Stefan M. Pugh. Applications to Other Languages, Language Families, and Aphasia: Ellen Contini-Morava; Barbara A. Fennell; Victor A. Friedman; Robert Fradkin; Yishai Tobin; Mark Leikin.
[Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics, 43] 1996. xxviii, 432 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 3 August 2011
Published online on 3 August 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Contributors | p. ix
Introduction | p. xi
I: Theoretical and Methodological Overview
1. Phoneme and Morpheme and the sign Nature of LanguageCornelis H. van Schooneveld | p. 2
2. Phonological Markedness and a Plea for useful LinguisticsAnatoly Liberman | p. 55
3. Remarks on the Semantic features of Cases and Prepositions as Related to SyntaxPetr Sgall, Alla Bémová and Eva Hajičová | p. 71
4. The Human Factor and the Insufficiency of Invariant MeaningsRobert S. Kirsner | p. 83
II: Studies in Russian and Slavic Languages
1. Gender and Declension Shifts in Contemporary Standard Russian: Markedness as a Semiotic PrincipleEdna Andrews | p. 109
2. Markedness and the Typology of Russian Verb StemsLawrence E. Feinberg | p. 141
3. The Semantic Markings of Russian Verbal SuffixesAnnie Joly Sperling | p. 159
4. Regular and Deviant Patterns of Russian Nominal Stress and Their relationship to MarkednessRonald F. Feldstein | p. 199
5. Deixis in Time and Space: The Fate of the Russian DemonstrativessejIrina Dolgova and Elena Maksimova | p. 217
6. A Panchronic Approach to Morphological Competition in the East Slavic Substantive (Plural Paradigms)Stefan M. Pugh | p. 235
III: Applications to Other Languages, Language Families, and Aphasia
1. “Things” in a Noun Class Language: Semantic Functions of Grammatical Agreement in SwahiliEllen Contini-Morava | p. 251
2. Markers of Association and Distance in German Reported SpeechBarbara A. Fennell | p. 291
3. The Five Deictics of LakVictor A. Friedman | p. 307
4. Typologies of Person Categories in Slavic and SemiticRobert Fradkin | p. 319
5. Invariance, Markedness and Distinctive Feature Theory: The Modern Hebrew VerbYishai Tobin | p. 347
6. The Application of Distinctive Semantic Features to the Production abd Comprehension of Locative Prepositions in Different Forms of AphasiaMark Leikin | p. 381
Name Index | p. 415
Subject Index | p. 421
Cited by (5)
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Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General