Table of contents
Introduction. The role of change in usage-based conceptions of language
Part 1. Challenging mainstream models of language change
Does innovation need reanalysis?
On cognition and communication in usage-based models of language change
Part 2. The role of usage in semantic change
From inferential to mirative: An interaction-based account of an emerging semantic extension
The motivation for using English suspended dangling participles: A Usage-based development of (Inter)subjectivity
The nature of speaker creativity in linguistic innovation
Part 3. The role of usage and structure in language change
Reanalysis and gramma(ticaliza)tion of constructions: The case of the deictic relative construction with perception verbs in French
Constructional change, paradigmatic structure and the orientation of usage processes
Filling empty distinctions of expression with content: Usage-motivated assignment of grammatical meaning
Author index
Subject index
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