Part of
Bilingualism and Identity: Spanish at the crossroads with other languages
Edited by Mercedes Niño-Murcia and Jason Rothman
[Studies in Bilingualism 37] 2008
► pp. 39
Cited by (9)

Cited by nine other publications

Mata, R.
2023. Bilingualism is good but codeswitching is bad: attitudes about Spanish in contact with English in the Tijuana - San Diego border area. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 20:4  pp. 386 ff. DOI logo
Román, Diego, Alberto Pastor & Katherine Ward
2023. Complexifying internal linguistic discrimination: bilingual Latinx teachers navigating Spanish language ideologies in bilingual programs. Language and Education 37:6  pp. 772 ff. DOI logo
Joseph, John E.
2021. Identity Construction. In English and Spanish,  pp. 335 ff. DOI logo
Danae Perez, Marianne Hundt, Johannes Kabatek & Daniel Schreier
2021. English and Spanish, DOI logo
Tecedor, Marta, Leslie Del Carpio & Valeria Ochoa
2021. Novice or expert? Heritage speaker's orientation to the novice-expert paradigm. Journal of Pragmatics 182  pp. 253 ff. DOI logo
Beaudrie, Sara, Angelica Amezcua & Sergio Loza
2019. Critical language awareness for the heritage context: Development and validation of a measurement questionnaire. Language Testing 36:4  pp. 573 ff. DOI logo
Román, Diego, Alberto Pastor & Deni Basaraba
2019. Internal linguistic discrimination: A survey of bilingual teachers’ language attitudes toward their heritage students’ Spanish. Bilingual Research Journal 42:1  pp. 6 ff. DOI logo
Parra, María Luisa
2016. Understanding identity among Spanish heritage learners. In Advances in Spanish as a Heritage Language [Studies in Bilingualism, 49],  pp. 177 ff. DOI logo
Otheguy, Ricardo & Nancy Stern
2011. On so-called Spanglish. International Journal of Bilingualism 15:1  pp. 85 ff. DOI logo

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