Part of
Implicit and Explicit Learning of Languages
Edited by Patrick Rebuschat
[Studies in Bilingualism 48] 2015
► pp. 349384
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Yilmaz, Yucel & Gisela Granena
Angelovska, Tanja & Dietmar Roehm
2020. Neurolinguistic Implications for L2 Learning and Teaching. In The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Granena, Gisela
2020. Implicit Language Aptitude, DOI logo
Mackey, Alison
2020. Interaction, Feedback and Task Research in Second Language Learning, DOI logo
Curcic, Maja, Sible Andringa & Folkert Kuiken
2019. The Role of Awareness and Cognitive Aptitudes in L2 Predictive Language Processing. Language Learning 69:S1  pp. 42 ff. DOI logo
Roehm, Dietmar & Tanja Angelovska
2019. Neurolinguistic Accounts ofL2Learning and Teaching. In The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Faretta-Stutenberg, Mandy & Kara Morgan-Short
2018. The interplay of individual differences and context of learning in behavioral and neurocognitive second language development. Second Language Research 34:1  pp. 67 ff. DOI logo
Loewen, Shawn & Masatoshi Sato
2018. Interaction and instructed second language acquisition. Language Teaching 51:3  pp. 285 ff. DOI logo
Suzuki, Yuichi & Robert DeKeyser
2017. The Interface of Explicit and Implicit Knowledge in a Second Language: Insights From Individual Differences in Cognitive Aptitudes. Language Learning 67:4  pp. 747 ff. DOI logo
Andringa, Sible & Patrick Rebuschat
2015. NEW DIRECTIONS IN THE STUDY OF IMPLICIT AND EXPLICIT LEARNING. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 37:2  pp. 185 ff. DOI logo
Morgan-Short, Kara, ZhiZhou Deng, Katherine A. Brill-Schuetz, Mandy Faretta-Stutenberg, Patrick C. M. Wong & Francis C. K. Wong

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 27 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.