Utterance Structure

Developing grammars again

ISBN 9789027241061 (Eur) | EUR 120.00
ISBN 9781556193491 (USA) | USD 180.00
ISBN 9789027282880 | EUR 120.00 | USD 180.00
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This volume presents the results of part of the ESF project 'Second language acquisition by adult immigrants'. The present study deals specifically with structure of utterances in learner varieties. The authors have attempted to find general principles which determine the form of utterances from the very beginning to relatively advanced stages. Chapter 1 and 2 provide the framework for the study and here the guiding hypotheses are sketched on the basis of a pilot analysis. The empirical part of the study is contained in Chapters 3-6, in which data are given for the acquisition of, respectively, English (by Punjabi and Italian learners), German (Italian and Turkish learners), Dutch (Turkish and Moroccon learners) and French (Moroccon and Spanish learners), thus allowing for crosslinguistic comparisons in various ways. For each data-set the learner's linguistic repertoire is established, and then the utterance patterns recurrent in his/her production and the constraints these patterns are subject to. In Chapter 7 the general and theoretical implications are discussed.
[Studies in Bilingualism, 5] 1992.  xvi, 354 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Table of Contents
Cited by (145)

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