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retelling (Cat) in 199 monolinguals and 66 simultaneous bilinguals. The
groups did not differ significantly concerning their nonverbal cognitive
skills and German language proficiency. Both the monolingual and the
bilingual children were divided into three age groups (4;6–4;11, 5;0–5;5,
5;6–5;11). The narrative comprehension results pointed to significant age
effects only for the monolinguals, in both elicitation modes. No gender
effects were found for any group. For the nonverbal cognition and narrative
comprehension measures, weak correlations obtained for both monolinguals and
bilinguals. These results strengthen the idea that narrative comprehension
is related to nonverbal cognitive skills of monolingual and bilingual
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Ralli, Asimina M., Elena Kazali, Maria Kanellou, Angeliki Mouzaki, Fotini Antoniou, Vasiliki Diamanti & Sofia Papaioannou
2021. Oral Language and Story Retelling During Preschool and Primary School Years: Developmental Patterns and Interrelationships. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 50:5 ► pp. 949 ff.
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