The present study used a visual world eye-tracking paradigm to investigate online processing of
grammatical gender and number in Mandarin-Italian bilingual children, in comparison to monolingual Italian children.
We examined how children anticipated upcoming nouns on the basis of grammatical gender and number information on the
preceding article. While monolingual speakers are able to employ such predictive mechanisms from a very young age, to
our knowledge, this is the first study that compares gender and number processing in bilingual children. The results
show that, overall, participants made linguistic predictions on the basis of articles, although a post-hoc analysis
focusing on a subset of our bilingual participants did not confirm the prediction effect in Mandarin-Italian bilingual
children. We found a greater difference in the bilingual group than in the monolingual group, in that bilinguals
tended to be slower when processing gender than number. Finally, we found that L2 proficiency had a significant effect
on gender processing in the bilingual group. One interpretation of these findings is that the discrepancy between
gender and number may be due to transfer, since Mandarin does not have grammatical gender while it does have a
conceptual notion of number. Another factor may be L2 proficiency, and especially lexical knowledge, since gender is
an arbitrary property stored in the lexicon, while number is concretely linked to the referential context.
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Cited by (4)
Cited by four other publications
Baron, Alisa, Katrina Connell, Daniel Kleinman, Lisa M. Bedore & Zenzi M. Griffin
2024. Grammatical gender in spoken word recognition in school-age Spanish monolingual and Spanish–English bilingual children. Frontiers in Psychology 15
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