Chapter 8
Metalinguistic awareness in bilinguals
The goal of this chapter is to outline Ellen
Bialystok’s contribution to our understanding of metalinguistic
awareness development. We start by describing both her work in the
field and her cognitive framework that outlines the components
(i.e., linguistic analysis & control) needed to successfully
perform metalinguistic tasks. We then describe the impact of this
theoretical approach on subsequent research on metalinguistic
awareness in bilinguals and monolinguals. Finally, we outline how
direct instruction in metalinguistic awareness can be informed by
considering the importance of developing both linguistic analysis
and control in the classroom.
Article outline
- Ellen Bialystok’s contributions to the field of metalinguistic
- Cognitive framework of metalinguistic awareness
- Metalinguistic awareness in bilingual children
- Current research in metalinguistic awareness
- Language factors and metalinguistic awareness
- Bilingualism and language learning
- Metalinguistic ability and language and literacy
- Implications of metalinguistic awareness research for bilingual
- In conclusion