Chapter 10
Raising awareness of stroke, stroke survivor-perspectives, and stroke–carer research
A perspective from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in Australia
The aim of this chapter is to propose a research agenda that will promote awareness of stroke warning signs and risk for stroke in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. The targeted community in this case, is the Greek immigrant community in Australia. The research agenda also advocates a better understanding of CALD stroke survivors and carers needs to enable capacity-building to encourage wellbeing by supporting unmet needs. This will have a positive impact on health, care and psychosocial outcomes for people living with stroke deficits from CALD backgrounds and their carers and families who support them in everyday life.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Stroke awareness
- 3.When FAST is lost in translation
- 4.CALD stroke-survivor and primary care giver perspectives
- 4.1Renegotiating the new self after stroke: Perspectives from immigrant stroke survivors
- 4.2Identifying the unmet needs of stroke primary carers from CALD backgrounds
- 5.Conclusion