Research conducted with monolingual native Spanish speakers has yielded discrepant results concerning the loss or maintenance of the subjunctive, whereas studies conducted with heritage speakers point to a gradual subjunctive loss (Montrul 2009; Mikulski 2010; Silva-Corvalán 1994a, 1994b, 2001). Cross-dialectal studies (Blake 1982; De Sterck 2000; Fernández Ulloa & Portillo Mayorga 2000; Menegotto 2003, 2004, 2008) have mainly focused on past tenses, and scarce are cross-dialectal studies investigating native speakers’ subjunctive use in the present tense. This study examines mood use by means of an acceptability test and a forced choice cloze test conducted by native speakers of two varieties of Spanish. One hundred and four adult monolingual native speakers of Spanish participated in the study — N = 56 from Rosario, Argentina and N = 56 from Toledo, Spain. Results indicate an overall vitality of the subjunctive and also reveal slight differences regarding acceptability based on gender and region.
Blake, Robert. 1981. “Some Empirically Based Observations on Adult Usage of the Subjunctive Mood in Mexico City.” In Current Research in Romance Languages, ed. by J. Lantolf, and G.B. Stone, 13–22. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Linguistics Club.
Blake, Robert. 1983. “Mood Selection among Spanish-speaking Children: Ages 4 to 12.” The Bilingual Review 101: 21–32.
Borrego, J., J.G. Asencio, and E. Prieto. 1986. El subjuntivo: valores y usos. Madrid: Sociedad General Española de Librería, S.A.
Collentine, Joseph. 1995. “The Development of Complex Syntax and Mood-Selection Abilities by Intermediate-Level Learners of Spanish.” Hispania 781: 122–35.
De Streck, Goedele. 2000. Registros y áreas geográficas en lingüística.Valores y usos de las formas verbales en -RA, -SE, -RÍA y –RE. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
Farley, Andrew. 2004. “Semantic and Syntactic Perspectives on Mood Selection in Spanish: An Analysis of Presupposition, Government, and Binding.” Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada 221: 13–35.
Fernández Ulloa, Teresa, and Rosario Portillo Mayorga. 2000. “Uso del imperfecto y pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo entre estudiantes universitarios de Bilbao y Santander.” Onomázein 51: 167–187.
García, Mary Ellen, and Tracy Terrel. 1977. “Is the Use of Mood in Spanish Subject to Variable Constraints?” In Studies in Romance Linguistics: Proceedings of the Fifth Linguistic Symposium on Romance Linguistics. ed. by M.P. Hagiwara, 214–226. Rowley, MA: Newbury House Publishers.
Guitart, Jorge. 1982. “On the Use of the Spanish Subjunctive among Spanish-English Bilinguals.” Word 33 (1): 59–67.
Gudmestad, Aarnes. 2006. “L2 Variation of Spanish Subjunctive: Linguistic Features Predicting Use.” In Selected proceedings of the 7th Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese as First and Second Languages, ed. by C. Klee, and T. Face, 170–184. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Gudmestad, Aarnes. 2010. “Moving Beyond a Sentence-level Analysis in the Study of Variable Mood Use in Spanish.” Southwest Journal of Linguistics 29 (1): 25–51.
Gudmestad, A. 2012. “Acquiring a variable stmcture: An interlanguage analysis of second language mood use in Spanish.” Language Learning 62(2), 373–402.
Kempchinsky, Paula. 1986. “Romance Subjunctive Clauses and Logical Form.” PhD. diss., University of California-Los Angeles.
Kempchinsky, Paula. 2009. “What Can the Subjunctive Disjoint Reference Effect Tell Us About the Subjunctive?” Lingua 1191: 1788–1810.
Kowal, Jerzt. 2007. “La elección del modo subjuntivo en las subordinadas nominales.” Linguística Española Actual 29 (1): 45–72.
Labov, William. 1990. “The Intersection of Sex and Social Class in the Course of Linguistic Change.” Language Variation and Change 21: 205–54.
Labov, William. 2001. Principles of Linguistic Change, Vol. 2: Social Factors. Oxford: Blackwell.
Lastra, Yolanda, and Pedro Butragueño. 2012. “Aproximación al uso del modo subjuntivo en el Corpus sociolingüístico de la ciudad de México.” Boletín de Filología 47 (2): 101–131.
Lipski, John. 1978. “Subjunctive as Fact?” Hispania 61 (4): 931–934.
Lloyd, Paul.1993. Del latín al español. Madrid: Gredos.
Lozano, Anthony. 1972. “Subjunctives, Transformations and Features in Spanish.” Hispania 55 (1): 76–90.
Lozano, Anthony. 1975. “In Defense of two Subjunctives.” Hispania 58 (2): 277–283.
Lubbers Quesada, Margaret. 1998. “L2 Acquisition of the Spanish Subjunctive Mood and Prototype Schema Development.” Spanish Applied Linguistics 21: 1–22.
Lynch, Andrew. 2000. “The subjunctive in Miami Cuban Spanish: Bilingualism, contact, and language variability.” PhD. diss., University of Minnesota. Dissertation Abstracts International 60, 8.
Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 1994. “Assertion and Speaker’s Intention: A Pragmatically Based Account of Mood in Spanish.” Hispania, 77 (4): 892–902.
Menegotto, Andrea. 2003. “Tiempo y aspecto en dos variedades de español.” Actas del IX Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Lingüística. Edición en CD. Córdoba: Comunicarte Editorial.
Menegotto, Andrea. 2004. “Variación dialectal en los pretéritos del español. Un acercamiento minimalista.” In
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, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA. 18–21 Oct. 2004. Edición en internet.
Menegotto, Andrea. 2008. “Variación dialectal en los pretéritos simple y compuesto del español” In Lengua viva. Estudios ofrecidos a César Hernández Alonso, ed. by Álvarez Tejedoret al., 175–201.Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid.
Mikulski, Ariana. 2010. “Receptive Volitional Subjunctive Abilities in Heritage and Traditional Foreign Language Learners of Spanish.” The Modern Language Journal 94 (2): 217–233.
2022. (Ir)regular Mood Swings: Lexical Variability in Heritage Speakers’ Oral Production of Subjunctive Mood. Language Learning 72:2 ► pp. 456 ff.
Hirota, Harunobu
2022. The Indicative/subjunctive Mood Alternation with Adverbs of Doubt in Spanish. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 29:4 ► pp. 450 ff.
Hirota, Harunobu
2023. Quantitative-statistic corpus analysis about mood variation in Spanish based on linguistic and social variables. Corpora 18:1 ► pp. 97 ff.
Perez-Cortes, Silvia
2022. ON COMPLEXITY AND DIVERGENCE IN HERITAGE LANGUAGE GRAMMARS. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 44:3 ► pp. 818 ff.
Perez-Cortes, Silvia
2022. Lexical frequency and morphological regularity as sources of heritage speaker variability in the acquisition of mood. Second Language Research 38:1 ► pp. 149 ff.
2019. Epistemic commitment and mood alternation: A semantic-pragmatic analysis of Spanish future-framed adverbials. Journal of Pragmatics 139 ► pp. 97 ff.
Waltermire, Mark
2017. Mood variation after expressions of uncertainty in Spanish. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 10:2 ► pp. 349 ff.
2022. L2 Spanish morphosyntactic development through collaborative writing: An analysis of mood production, text length and syntactic complexity. Language Teaching Research 26:1 ► pp. 34 ff.
Gallego, Muriel & Emilia Alonso Marks
2015. Frequency of Subjunctive Use in Oral Production in Two Varieties of Spanish. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 173 ► pp. 162 ff.
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