Los puertorriqueños se les está cayendo la “a”
Variably marked datives in Puerto Rican Spanish
This study addresses a gap in the extensive literature on Spanish indirect objects by offering a study of unmarked
datives (i.e.,
Ø eso le pones un papel de aluminio ‘
to that you put
an aluminum foil’;
PRESEEA 2001). Analyzed are the linguistic constraints on the
variable absence of dative marker
a ‘to’ in corpora of spoken Puerto Rican Spanish, in which the rate of marker
absence is 33% (
n = 380). Results of logistic regression analysis reveal that unmarked datives occurred with low
frequency, non-prototypical dative verbs. Inanimate referents favored the absence of the dative marker, as did complex DPs, where
the dative phrase and the clitic pronoun+verb are not adjacent. The findings are discussed from the twin perspectives of analogy
as a mechanism of change and frequency effects: unmarked datives seem to most affect items at the margins of the dative category,
in terms of both verbs and referents.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Variability in dative constructions
- 2.1Unmarked datives in (Puerto Rican) Spanish
- 3.Methodology
- 3.1Corpora
- 3.2Extraction and coding procedure
- 4.Results
- 5.Discussion
- 6.Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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