Liu, Meichun, Yuyan Liang & Yuwei Wan
Novel Lexical Semantic Change and Interactivization. In
Chinese Lexical Semantics [
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13495],
► pp. 125 ff.

Park, Innhwa, Rachel S. Y. Chen, Jan Gorisch, Song Hee Park, Nadja Tadic & Eiko Yasui
De Stefani, Elwys & Anne-Sylvie Horlacher
Monfaredi, Elham
Exiting a Storytelling Sequence in Persian Language Classrooms. In
Storytelling Practices in Home and Educational Contexts,
► pp. 261 ff.

van Burgsteden, Lotte, Hedwig te Molder & Geoffrey Raymond
Going against the interactional tide: The accomplishment of dialogic moments from a conversation analytic perspective.
Discourse Studies 24:4
► pp. 471 ff.

Barth-Weingarten, Dagmar, Uwe-A. Küttner & Chase Wesley Raymond
Pivots revisited: Cesuring in action.
Open Linguistics 7:1
► pp. 613 ff.

Kaneyasu, Michiko
In Pursuit of Alignment and Affiliation: The Practice of Anchoring Shared Knowledge in Japanese Conversation.
Discourse Processes 58:2
► pp. 93 ff.

Welink, Lisanne S., Tessa C. van Charldorp, Laura Di Colandrea, Marie‐Louise L. Bartelink, Peter Pype, Roger A.M.J. Damoiseaux & Esther de Groot
Bidirectional learning opportunities: How GP‐supervisors and trainees exchange knowledge.
Medical Education 55:12
► pp. 1407 ff.

Hoi Yee Lo, Carol
Wearing two hats: managing affiliation and instruction when responding to learner-initiated experiences in the adult ESL classroom.
Classroom Discourse 11:3
► pp. 272 ff.

Knol, A. S. L., Mike Huiskes, Tom Koole, Reitske Meganck, Tom Loeys & Mattias Desmet
Reformulating and Mirroring in Psychotherapy: A Conversation Analytic Perspective.
Frontiers in Psychology 11

Raymond, Chase Wesley & Barbara A. Fox
Rossen, Camilla Blach, Karen Nissen Schriver, Christel Tarber, Dorthe Vedel Nordahl, Grethe Thygesen Rasmussen, Ben Ong & Niels Buus
“Y, what do you think about what X just said?” Conversation analysis of stance‐eliciting questions in open dialogue network meetings.
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 46:4
► pp. 719 ff.

Espinosa-Guerri, Guadalupe & Amparo García-Ramón
Gao, Hua
Devices of alignment.
Chinese Language and Discourse. An International and Interdisciplinary Journal 10:1
► pp. 36 ff.

Helisten, Marika
Disjunctively Positioned Problem-Noticings in Managing Multiactivity.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 52:4
► pp. 318 ff.

Mazeland, Harrie
Position Expansion in Meeting Talk: An Interaction-Re-organizing Type of and-Prefaced Other-Continuation. In
Embodied Activities in Face-to-face and Mediated Settings,
► pp. 397 ff.

Heritage, John & Marja-Leena Sorjonen
Hoey, Elliott M.
How Speakers Continue with Talk After a Lapse in Conversation.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 51:3
► pp. 329 ff.

Hoey, Elliott M.
When Conversation Lapses,

Lenzen, Stephanie A., Wyke Stommel, Ramon Daniëls, Marloes A. van Bokhoven, Trudy van der Weijden & Anna Beurskens
Ascribing patients a passive role: Conversation analysis of practice nurses’ and patients’ goal setting and action planning talk.
Research in Nursing & Health 41:4
► pp. 389 ff.

Facilitating an L2 Book Club: A Conversation‐Analytic Study of Task Management.
The Modern Language Journal 102:1
► pp. 181 ff.

San Roque, Lila, Kobin H. Kendrick, Elisabeth Norcliffe & Asifa Majid
Universal meaning extensions of perception verbs are grounded in interaction.
Cognitive Linguistics 29:3
► pp. 371 ff.

Seuren, Lucas M., Mike Huiskes & Tom Koole
Resolving knowledge discrepancies in informing sequences.
Language in Society 47:3
► pp. 409 ff.

Heinemann, Trine & Jakob Steensig
Mueni, Joy & Jonathan Clifton
Seuren, Lucas M. & Mike Huiskes
Confirmation or Elaboration: What Do Yes/No Declaratives Want?.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 50:2
► pp. 188 ff.

Stivers, Tanya & Stefan Timmermans
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life: Making Bad News Bivalent.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 50:4
► pp. 404 ff.

Stivers, Tanya & Stefan Timmermans
Medical Authority under Siege: How Clinicians Transform Patient Resistance into Acceptance.
Journal of Health and Social Behavior 61:1
► pp. 60 ff.

Cirillo, Letizia, Isabel Colón de Carvajal & Anna Claudia Ticca
“I'm Sorry + Naming the Offense”: A Format for Apologizing.
Discourse Processes 53:1-2
► pp. 83 ff.

Koivisto, Aino & Liisa Voutilainen
Responding to What Is Left Implicit: Psychotherapists’ Formulations and Understanding Checks After Clients’ Turn-Final
Research on Language and Social Interaction 49:3
► pp. 238 ff.

Nishizaka, Aug
The use of demo-prefaced response displacement for being a listener to distressful experiences in Japanese interaction
Text & Talk 36:6
► pp. 757 ff.

Deppermann, Arnulf & Susanne Günthner
Etelämäki, Marja & Laura Visapää
Jager, Margot, Andrea F. De Winter, Janneke Metselaar, Erik J. Knorth, Sijmen A. Reijneveld & Mike Huiskes
Compliments and accounts: Positive evaluation of reported behavior in psychotherapy for adolescents.
Language in Society 44:5
► pp. 653 ff.

Szczepek Reed, Beatrice
Managing the Boundary Between “Yes” and “But”: Two Ways of Disaffiliating With German
ja aber
Research on Language and Social Interaction 48:1
► pp. 32 ff.

Barnes, Scott
Managing Intersubjectivity in Aphasia.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 47:2
► pp. 130 ff.

Keisanen, Tiina, Mirka Rauniomaa & Pentti Haddington
Lindwall, Oskar & Gustav Lymer
Inquiries of the body: Novice questions and the instructable observability of endodontic scenes.
Discourse Studies 16:2
► pp. 271 ff.

Markaki, Vassiliki
Désalignement et gestion des territoires épistémiques : l’utilisation de yes but dans des réunions professionnelles internationales. In
Corps en interaction,
► pp. 227 ff.

Nielsen, Mie Femø
Sizing up ‘the box’ in order to fit in.
CoDesign 10:2
► pp. 112 ff.

Beeke, Suzanne, Firle Beckley, Wendy Best, Fiona Johnson, Susan Edwards & Jane Maxim
Extended turn construction and test question sequences in the conversations of three speakers with agrammatic aphasia.
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 27:10-11
► pp. 784 ff.

Barth-Weingarten, Dagmar
Of Ens ’n’ Ands: Observations on the Phonetic Make-up of a Coordinator and its Uses in Talk-in-Interaction.
Language and Speech 55:1
► pp. 35 ff.

Deppermann, Arnulf
How does ‘cognition’ matter to the analysis of talk-in-interaction?.
Language Sciences 34:6
► pp. 746 ff.

Emmertsen, Sofie & Trine Heinemann
Realization as a Device for Remedying Problems of Affiliation in Interaction.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 43:2
► pp. 109 ff.

Beeke, Suzanne, Ray Wilkinson & Jane Maxim
Prosody as a compensatory strategy in the conversations of people with agrammatism.
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 23:2
► pp. 133 ff.

Bolden, Galina B.
Reopening Russian Conversations: The Discourse Particle -to and the Negotiation of Interpersonal Accountability in Closings.
Human Communication Research 34:1
► pp. 99 ff.

Bolden, Galina B.
“So What's Up?”: Using the Discourse Marker
to Launch Conversational Business
Research on Language and Social Interaction 41:3
► pp. 302 ff.

Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth & Sandra A. Thompson
On assessing situations and events in conversation: `extraposition' and its relatives.
Discourse Studies 10:4
► pp. 443 ff.

Stivers, Tanya
Stance, Alignment, and Affiliation During Storytelling: When Nodding Is a Token of Affiliation.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 41:1
► pp. 31 ff.

Clift, Rebecca, Paul Drew & Ian Hutchby
Clift, Rebecca, Paul Drew & Ian Hutchby
Nevile, Maurice
Making sequentiality salient: and-prefacing in the talk of airline pilots.
Discourse Studies 8:2
► pp. 279 ff.

Siegfried, Doreen
Literaturverzeichnis. In
Kultur in deutsch-schwedischen Wirtschaftsgesprächen,
► pp. 251 ff.

[no author supplied]
General Bibliography. In
A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology,
► pp. 518 ff.

[no author supplied]
References. In
The Handbook of Conversation Analysis,
► pp. 741 ff.

[no author supplied]
Références bibliographiques. In
La dislocation à droite revisitée [
Champs linguistiques, ],
► pp. 261 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 27 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.