Part of
Studies in Interactional Linguistics
Edited by Margret Selting and Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen
[Studies in Discourse and Grammar 10] 2001
► pp. 171198
Cited by (22)

Cited by 22 other publications

Miestamo, Matti, Olli O. Silvennoinen & Chingduang Yurayong
Vepsäläinen, Heidi, Anna Sundqvist, Marja-Leena Sorjonen & Auli Hakulinen
2023. Responding to polar questions without a polarity item ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in Finnish. In Responding to Polar Questions across Languages and Contexts [Studies in Language and Social Interaction, 35],  pp. 301 ff. DOI logo
Hakulinen, Auli
2022. Minimal and non-minimal answers to yes-no questions. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Koskinen, Emmi & Melisa Stevanovic
2022. Epistemic calibration. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) 32:3  pp. 354 ff. DOI logo
Tiitinen, Sanni & Tea Lempiälä
2022. Two Social Functions of Stepwise Transitions When Discussing Ideas in Workplace Meetings. International Journal of Business Communication 59:3  pp. 355 ff. DOI logo
Jin, Ying & Dennis Tay
2021. Discretion. Chinese Language and Discourse. An International and Interdisciplinary Journal 12:2  pp. 158 ff. DOI logo
Nissi, Riikka & Melisa Stevanovic
2021. Interactional means of teaming up: enacting the features of contemporary working life in a theater performance. Multimodal Communication 10:2  pp. 175 ff. DOI logo
Savijärvi, Marjo & Laura Ihalainen
2021. How an improvised scene emerges in theatre rehearsal. In Intersubjectivity in Action [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 326],  pp. 373 ff. DOI logo
Stoenica, Ioana-Maria & Sophia Fiedler
2021. Multimodal Practice for Mobilizing Response: The Case of Turn-Final Tu Vois ‘You See’ in French Talk-in-Interaction. Frontiers in Psychology 12 DOI logo
Kurhila, Salla, Inkeri Lehtimaja & Paul Drew
2020. Correcting medical decisions: a study in nurses’ patient advocacy in (Finnish) hospital ward rounds. Sociology of Health & Illness 42:7  pp. 1709 ff. DOI logo
Pehkonen, Samu
2020.  Response Cries Inviting an Alignment: Finnish huh huh . Research on Language and Social Interaction 53:1  pp. 19 ff. DOI logo
Vatanen, Anna, Karita Suomalainen & Ritva Laury
2020.  The Finnish projector phrase se että as a fixed expression. In Fixed Expressions [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 315],  pp. 167 ff. DOI logo
Raymond, Chase Wesley
2019. Intersubjectivity, Normativity, and Grammar. Social Psychology Quarterly 82:2  pp. 182 ff. DOI logo
Rauniomaa, Mirka, Esko Lehtonen & Heikki Summala
2018. Noticings with instructional implications in post‐licence driver training. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 28:2  pp. 326 ff. DOI logo
Vatanen, Anna
2018. Responding in Early Overlap: Recognitional Onsets in Assertion Sequences. Research on Language and Social Interaction 51:2  pp. 107 ff. DOI logo
Simonen, Mika
2016. Social identity and procedural consequentiality in welfare interviews. Text & Talk 36:5  pp. 589 ff. DOI logo
Etelämäki, Marja & Laura Visapää
2015. Why blend conversation analysis with cognitive grammar?. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 477 ff. DOI logo
Tiitinen, Sanni & Johanna Ruusuvuori
2015. Producing gendered parenthood in child health clinics. Discourse & Society 26:1  pp. 113 ff. DOI logo
Stevanovic, Melisa
2012. Establishing joint decisions in a dyad. Discourse Studies 14:6  pp. 779 ff. DOI logo
Ijäs-Kallio, Taru, Johanna Ruusuvuori & Anssi Peräkylä
2010. Patient resistance towards diagnosis in primary care: Implications for concordance. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 14:5  pp. 505 ff. DOI logo
Halonen, Mia
2006. Life stories used as evidence for the diagnosis of addiction in group therapy. Discourse & Society 17:3  pp. 283 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2005. General Bibliography. In A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology,  pp. 518 ff. DOI logo

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