History of Linguistics 2008
Selected papers from the eleventh International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS XI), 28 August - 2 September 2008, Potsdam
This volume contains a selection of papers presented at the 11th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (Potsdam 2008) which are especially representative of the concerns of the conference and its thematic range. The reflection about language and the individual languages has characterized cultures since ancient times and has brought forth different traditions of the language sciences. The contributions cover the period from antiquity to contemporary history. In addition to terminological and social history approaches, they also include research results based on corpora or which reconstruct theoretical approaches. More than other scholars, linguists are turning to the history of their science for answers to current questions. This underscores the value of the history of language sciences for understanding the present state of linguistics and its development. Interdisciplinarity necessary for the research of many issues and manifestations of language makes historical reflections on the disciplines indispensable.
[Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 115] 2011. xi, 468 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 7 April 2011
Published online on 7 April 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements | pp. ix–xi
IntroductionGerda Haßler | pp. 1–9
Part I. Methodological considerations, linguistics and philology
Du Corpus représentatif des grammaires et des traditions linguistiques au Corpus de textes linguistiques fondamentauxBernard Colombat | pp. 13–23
The ‘floating’ linguistic signT. Craig Christy | pp. 25–34
‘A term of opprobrium’: Twentieth century linguistics and English philologyJohn B. Walmsley | pp. 35–47
Methode als Grenze? Zur Spaltung von Philologie und Sprachwissenschaft im 19. JahrhundertJohanna Wolf and Christine Blauth-Henke | pp. 49–66
Part II. Antiquity
Grammatical doxography in Antiquity: The (hi-)stories of the parts-of-speech systemPierre Swiggers and Alfons Wouters | pp. 69–91
Über die Bezeichnung des Indikativs bei den römischen Grammatikern des 1. und 2. Jh.Vladimir I. Mazhuga | pp. 93–108
Rewriting the history of the language sciences in classical antiquityDaniel J. Taylor | pp. 109–125
Part II. Renaissance linguistics
Elements of a philosophy of language in Claudio Tolomei’s Il Cesano de la lingua ToscanaStefano Gensini | pp. 129–134
La conception de l’ordre des mots dans la Grammatica Latina de Caspar Finck et Christoph HelwigClaire Lecointre | pp. 135–145
The earliest stages of Persian-German language comparisonToon Van Hal | pp. 147–165
Part IV. Seventeenth and eighteenth century
European conceptions of writing from the Renaissance to the eighteenth centuryCordula Neis | pp. 169–186
Lessons from literary theory: Applying the notion of transtextuality (Genette 1982) to early modern German grammarsNicola McLelland | pp. 187–200
Nachahmung und Schöpfung in der Barockgrammatik: Ch. Gueintz liest W. RatkeBoris Djubo | pp. 201–215
Leibniz as lexicographer?John Considine | pp. 217–224
Du verbe actif au verbe transitif: Transitivité et complémentation dans les grammaires françaises, 1660–1863Bérengère Bouard | pp. 225–238
Metaphors in metalinguistic texts: The case of observations and remarks on the French languageWendy Ayres-Bennett | pp. 239–249
Les Méthodes au XVIIe siècle: Un outil composite. Irson, Lancelot, NicoleSimone Delesalle and Francine Mazière | pp. 251–263
A propos des règles dans les grammaires françaises de l’âge classique: Forme, fonction, statut (le cas de l’accord du participe passé)Jean-Marie Fournier | pp. 265–276
La phrase expliquée aux sourds-muets: Remarques sur la syntaxe chiffrée de l’abbé SicardValérie Raby | pp. 277–288
The place of spatial case forms in early Estonian, Latvian and Finnish grammarsAnnika Kilgi | pp. 289–300
Part V. Nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Aproximaciones a la enseñanza del análisis: Los Principios del análisis lójico de Ramón Merino (1848)María José García Folgado and Esteban T. Montoro del Arco | pp. 303–315
A difficult case: A sketch of the different interpretations of the concept of ‘case’ in the early Chinese grammatical studiesTommaso Pellin | pp. 317–326
Relecture jakobsonienne de la distinction saussurienne langue/parole: De la constitution d’un concept a l’acceptation d’un objet donnéAnne-Gaëlle Toutain | pp. 327–339
Ernst Cassirer’s and Benedetto Croce’s theories of language in comparisonSarah Dessì Schmid | pp. 341–358
Tradition versus grammatical traditions: Considerations on the representation of the Russian languageSylvie Archaimbault | pp. 359–367
An early sociolinguistic approach towards standardization and dialect variation: G. G. Kloeke’s theory of Hollandish expansionCamiel S.J.N. Hamans | pp. 369–387
Gender and the language scholarship of the Summer Institute of Linguistics in the context of mid twentieth-century American linguisticsMargaret Thomas | pp. 389–397
When categories go back to parts of speechBéatrice Godart-Wendling and Pierre Joray | pp. 399–407
‘Cultural morphology’: A success story in German linguisticsClemens Knobloch | pp. 409–423
Interjections: An insurmountable problem of structural linguistics? The case of early Soviet structuralismEkaternia Velmezova | pp. 425–434
L’espace linguistique en voie de (dé)multiplicationCarita Klippi | pp. 435–448
Z. S. Harris and the semantic turn of mathematical information theoryJacqueline Léon | pp. 449–458
Name index | pp. 459–464
Subject index | pp. 465–468
Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Zwartjes, Otto
2012. The Historiography of Missionary Linguistics. Historiographia Linguistica 39:2-3 ► pp. 185 ff. 
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 18 july 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CFA: Philosophy of language
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General