The History of Linguistics in Spain
This selection of papers is concerned with the history of linguistics in Spain, dealing with the evolution of linguistic ideas from the Middle Ages and the European context of the linguistic debates in Spain to the 20th century, concluding with Malkiel's appraisal of Ramón Menéndez Pidal (1869–1968). The volume includes papers on Antonio Nebrija and Sanctius, probably the best-known grammarians of the Iberian peninsula, but – as the other papers suggest – there is much more to be known about the Spanish linguistic traditions.
The papers in this volume were previously published in Historiographia Linguistica XI:1/2 (1984).
[Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 34] 1986. viii, 360 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 8 April 2011
Published online on 8 April 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Foreword | p. vii
El ‘Prosodion’ de Juan Gil de Zamora: Tradición y novedadLuis Alonso | p. 1
The Reception of Hebrew in Sixteenth-Century Europe: The Impact of the CabbalaW. Keith Percival | p. 21
Das ‘Universal Vocabulario’ des Alfonso Fernández de Palencia (1490) und seine QuelleHans-Josef Niederehe | p. 39
A propos des ‘Circunloquios’ du verbe Castillan chez Nebrija: Le ‘nombre participal infinito’Francis Tollis | p. 55
Norma, uso u autoridad en la teoría lingüistica española del siglo XVIJosé María Pozuelo Yvancos | p. 77
Sprachwandel und Etymologie in der spanischen Sprachwissenschaft des Siglo de oroWerner Bahner | p. 95
The Semiotic Aspects of Sanctius' MinervaManuel Breva-Claramonte | p. 117
La dimensión imperial del español en la obra de Aldrete: sobre la aparición del español de América en la lingüística hispánicaGuillermo L. Guitarte | p. 129
La alfabetización de la lengue nahuatlElena Díaz Rubio and Jesús Bustamante García | p. 189
José Celestino Mutis (1732-1808) and the Report on American Languages Ordered by Charles III of Spain for Catherine the Great of RussiaConsuelo Larrucea de Tovar | p. 213
The Grammatical Doctrine of the Real Academia Española (1854)Ramon Sarmiento Gonzalez | p. 231
Conocimiento, lenguaje y gramatica en la obra de Andrés Bello (1781-1865)Hernán Urrutia | p. 263
Pasado y presente del ‘Diccionario de la construcción regimen de la lengue castellana’José-Alvaro Porto Dapena | p. 287
Ramón Menéndez Phidal as EtymologistYakov Malkiel | p. 325
Index Nominum | p. 349
Index Rerum | p. 357
Cited by (6)
Cited by six other publications
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2012. The Historiography of Missionary Linguistics. Historiographia Linguistica 39:2-3 ► pp. 185 ff. 
Bubenik, Vit, Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy, Harold C. Fleming, John Hewson, John Hewson, Alan S. Kaye, Heidi Quinn, Kanavillil Rajagopalan, William J. Samarin, Solomon I. Sara, Solomon I. Sara, Jyh Wee Sew, Jacob J. Spa, Edward J. Vajda, Edward J. Vajda, Edward J. Vajda, Edward J. Vajda, Chaoqun Xie & Dajin Lin
Paufler, Hans-Dieter
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Alconchel, José Luis Girón
1995. Nebrija y las gramáticas del español en el siglo de oro. Historiographia Linguistica 22:1-2 ► pp. 1 ff. 
Zamora, Juan C.
Tres biografías lingüísticas en torno a Cuenca Vol.III: Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro: Un científico a caballo entre dos mundos. By Julio Calvo Pérez. Historiographia Linguistica 20:2-3 ► pp. 477 ff. 
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2020. The historiography of linguistics past, present, future. In Last Papers in Linguistic Historiography [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 128], ► pp. 3 ff. 
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 27 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General