Gender and noun inflection
The fate of ‘vulnerable’ categories in Northern Norwegian
Research has predicted an uncertain future for gender and noun inflection in
Northern Norwegian varieties. Gender is expected to disappear and the noun
inflection system to undergo simplification. The driving force is said to be contact
between Norwegian, a gender language, and Sámi and Kven, non-gender
languages. On the basis of data from the Nordic Dialect Corpus, we argue that
these predictions are not borne out. Gender is a stable category and noun inflection
has divergent patterns. These findings are interpreted in light of the sociohistorical
background of language contact and shift characterising the region.
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Opsahl, Toril
Dead, but Won’t Lie Down? Grammatical Gender among Norwegians.
Journal of Germanic Linguistics 33:1
► pp. 122 ff.

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