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The Dynamics of Linguistic Variation: Corpus evidence on English past and present
Edited by Terttu Nevalainen, Irma Taavitsainen, Päivi Pahta and Minna Korhonen
[Studies in Language Variation 2] 2008
► pp. 291309
Cited by (31)

Cited by 31 other publications

Redelinghuys, Karien
2024. Chapter 3. Language contact and change through translation in Afrikaans and South African English. In Constraints on Language Variation and Change in Complex Multilingual Contact Settings [Contact Language Library, 60],  pp. 58 ff. DOI logo
Rosenbach, Anette & Johanita Kirsten
2024. Chapter 2. Afrikaans influence on genitive variation in South African English?. In Constraints on Language Variation and Change in Complex Multilingual Contact Settings [Contact Language Library, 60],  pp. 29 ff. DOI logo
Dubois, Tanguy, Magali Paquot & Benedikt Szmrecsanyi
2023. Alternation phenomena and language proficiency: the genitive alternation in the spoken language of EFL learners. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 19:3  pp. 427 ff. DOI logo
2022. Quantifying relational nouns in corpora. English Language and Linguistics 26:4  pp. 833 ff. DOI logo
Levshina, Natalia & David Lorenz
2022. Communicative efficiency and the Principle of No Synonymy: predictability effects and the variation ofwant toandwanna. Language and Cognition 14:2  pp. 249 ff. DOI logo
Pérez-Guerra, Javier
2021. Chapter 4. Theme as a proxy for register categorization. In Corpus-based Approaches to Register Variation [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 103],  pp. 85 ff. DOI logo
Cvrček, Václav, Zuzana Laubeová, David Lukeš, Petra Poukarová, Anna Řehořková & Adrian Jan Zasina
2020. Author and register as sources of variation. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 25:4  pp. 461 ff. DOI logo
Egbert, Jesse, Tove Larsson & Douglas Biber
2020. Doing Linguistics with a Corpus, DOI logo
Gries, Stefan Th., Benedikt Heller & Nina Funke
2020. The Role of Gender in Postcolonial Syntactic Choice-Making. In Gender in World Englishes,  pp. 121 ff. DOI logo
Kubota, Maki, Caroline Heycock, Antonella Sorace & Jason Rothman
2020. Cross-Linguistic Influence on L2 Before and After Extreme Reduction in Input: The Case of Japanese Returnee Children. Frontiers in Psychology 11 DOI logo
Law, Melanie A. & Haidee Kotze
2020. Gender, Writing and Editing in South African Englishes. In Gender in World Englishes,  pp. 205 ff. DOI logo
2020. Probabilistic indigenization effects at the lexis–syntax interface. English Language and Linguistics 24:2  pp. 413 ff. DOI logo
Bohmann, Axel
2019. Variation in English Worldwide, DOI logo
2019. The impact of semantic relations on grammatical alternation: an experimental study of proper name modifiers and determiner genitives. English Language and Linguistics 23:4  pp. 797 ff. DOI logo
Diessel, Holger
2019. The Grammar Network, DOI logo
Diessel, Holger
2020. A Dynamic Network Approach to the Study of Syntax. Frontiers in Psychology 11 DOI logo
Akinlotan, Mayowa & Alex Housen
2017. Noun phrase complexity in Nigerian English. English Today 33:3  pp. 31 ff. DOI logo
Heller, Benedikt, Tobias Bernaisch & Stefan Th. Gries
2017. Empirical perspectives on two potential epicenters: The genitive alternation in Asian Englishes. ICAME Journal 41:1  pp. 111 ff. DOI logo
Romaine, Suzanne
2017. Social Conditioning. In The Cambridge Handbook of Historical Syntax,  pp. 534 ff. DOI logo
Geeraerts, Dirk
2016. The sociosemiotic commitment. Cognitive Linguistics 27:4  pp. 527 ff. DOI logo
Travis, Catherine E. & Amy M. Lindstrom
2016. Different registers, different grammars? Subject expression in English conversation and narrative. Language Variation and Change 28:1  pp. 103 ff. DOI logo
D'Arcy, Alexandra & Sali A. Tagliamonte
2015. Not always variable: Probing the vernacular grammar. Language Variation and Change 27:3  pp. 255 ff. DOI logo
Ford, Marilyn & Joan Bresnan
2015. Generating data as a proxy for unavailable corpus data: the contextualized sentence completion task. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 11:1 DOI logo
Verbeke, Saartje & Ludovic De Cuypere
2015. Differential Subject Marking in Nepali imperfective constructions. Studies in Language 39:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Berg, Thomas
2014. Competition as a unifying concept for the study of language. The Mental Lexicon 9:2  pp. 338 ff. DOI logo
2014. Quirky quadratures: on rhythm and weight as constraints on genitive variation in an unconventional data set. English Language and Linguistics 18:2  pp. 263 ff. DOI logo
2014. Variation in English genitives across modality and genres. English Language and Linguistics 18:3  pp. 471 ff. DOI logo
2014. On the genitive's trail: data and method from a sociolinguistic perspective. English Language and Linguistics 18:2  pp. 305 ff. DOI logo
2014. English genitive variation – the state of the art. English Language and Linguistics 18:2  pp. 215 ff. DOI logo
2011. Grammatical change in the noun phrase: the influence of written language use. English Language and Linguistics 15:2  pp. 223 ff. DOI logo
Szmrecsanyi, Benedikt
2009. Typological parameters of intralingual variability: Grammatical analyticity versus syntheticity in varieties of English. Language Variation and Change 21:3  pp. 319 ff. DOI logo

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