The Evaluation of Literary Texts
An Experimental Investigation into the Rationalization of Value Judgments with Reference to Semiotics and Esthetics of Reception
[Studies in Semiotics, 22] 1978. 234 pp.
Publishing status: Available | Original publisher:Peter de Ridder Press
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments | p. 7
Part I. Theoretical Introduction
1. The Literary Text in the Communication Process | p. 13
1.1. Semiotics and information theory
1.2. The communication process of a literary text
1.3. Research problem
2. The Relations between Text and Reader | p. 35
2.1. Russian Formalism
2.2. Prague Structuralism
2.3. Esthetics of reception
3. Auxiliary Disciplines for the Investigation into Literary Evaluation | p. 57
3.1. Value theory
3.2. A parallelism between axiology and epistemology?
3.3. Sociology of literature
3.4. Psychology of literature
4. The Structure of Literary Evaluation | p. 80
4.1. The place of evaluation in the investigation into a literary text
4.2. Two different theories of literary value
4.3. The structure of the literary value judgment
4.4. Research into literary evaluation
Part II. Experimental Research
5. An Experimental Investigation into the Evaluation of a Literary Text | p. 95
5.1. Problem
5.2. Readers and texts
5.3. Indiana investigation
5.4. Yale investigation
5.5. Recapitulation, general discussion and conclusions
6. Some Implications of the Experimental Method for the Study of Literature | p. 156
6.1. Further discussion of the experiments
6.2. Problems to be considered in future experiments
6.3. Possibilities and limitations of the experimental method
Appendices: 1. The four short stories | p. 171
2. Questionnaire A | p. 187
3. Questionnaire B | p. 189
4. Questionnaire C | p. 192
Index of Authors | p. 227
Literature & Literary Studies
Main BIC Subject
DSB: Literary studies: general
Main BISAC Subject