Regularity and irregularity are among the most widely invoked
notions in linguistics. The terms are backed up by a long and venerable
tradition, and yet (or maybe therefore) different disciplines and authors seem
to be using them for very different phenomena and in very different ways. The
most frequent usage conflates or replaces other notions such as type frequency,
productivity, (non-)concatenative morphology, storage vs. computation,
predictability, etc. An assessment of these and other variables in Icelandic
verbal inflection reveals that most of them are in practice strongly correlated.
I conclude, however, that this is largely unsurprising by virtue of the
definitional dependencies holding between those notions. It is empirically doubtful
whether there exists a single underlying phenomenon or category which the terms
designate. In addition, given their multiple and overlapping senses, and the
existence of separate, unambiguous labels for the relevant underlying notions, I
contend that the terms ‘regular’ and ‘irregular’ should be ideally abandoned in
scientific literature in order to avoid ambiguity, sloppy reasoning and
misunderstandings and to facilitate cross-linguistic comparison and
interdisciplinary dialogue.
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