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A Systematic Review of Computational Approaches to Deciphering Bronze Age Aegean and Cypriot Scripts.
Computational Linguistics 50:2
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Molin, Dorota
Intransitive clause word order in Neo-Aramaic: information structure, pragmatics and word order shifts.
Folia Linguistica 
Jing, Yingqi, Paul Widmer & Balthasar Bickel
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Liang, Yan & Zhonggang Sang
Syntactic and typological properties of translational language: A comparative description of dependency treebank of academic abstracts.
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Bîlbîie, Gabriela, Pegah Faghiri & Juliette Thuilier
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FARSHBAFİAN, Ahmad & Esmaeil Safaei ASL
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► pp. 773 ff.

Hao, Yuxin, Xuelin Wang & Qi Yu
Typological characteristics of interlanguage: Across native language types and L2 proficiency levels.
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Seržant, Ilja A., Katarzyna Maria Janic, Darja Dermaku & Oneg Ben Dror
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Dattner, Elitzur, Liron Kertes, Racehli Zwilling & Dorit Ravid
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Jiang, Jingyang, Jinghui Ouyang & Haitao Liu
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Progovac, Ljiljana, Natalia Rakhlin, William Angell, Ryan Liddane, Lingfei Tang & Noa Ofen
Diversity of Grammars and Their Diverging Evolutionary and Processing Paths: Evidence From Functional MRI Study of Serbian.
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Carlier, Anne & Bernard Combettes
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Nagy, Benedek & László Kovács
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Chiarcos, Christian, Steven Moran, Pablo N. Mendes, Sebastian Nordhoff & Richard Littauer
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Lovick, Olga & Siri G. Tuttle
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International Journal of American Linguistics 78:3
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Bender, Emily M., Scott Drellishak, Antske Fokkens, Laurie Poulson & Safiyyah Saleem
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Chelliah, Shobhana L. & Willem J. de Reuse
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Kim, Myung-Hee & Hyun-Hoon Lee
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Liu, Haitao
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Song, Jae Jung
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Caballero, Gabriela, Michael J. Houser, Nicole Marcus, Teresa McFarland, Anne Pycha, Maziar Toosarvandani & Johanna Nichols
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Linguistic Typology 12:3

Oller, John W. & Liang Chen
Episodic organization in discourse and valid measurement in the sciences*.
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► pp. 127 ff.

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Junker, Marie-Odile
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Backus, Ad, Alfred Bammesberger, Theodore S. Beardsley, John D. Bengtson, Lyle Campbell, Anthony P. Grant, Anthony P. Grant, Shin Ja J. Hwang, Masataka Ishikawa, Alan S. Kaye, Alan S. Kaye, Eugenio R. Luján, Victor H. Mair, Bert Peeters, Edgar C. Polomé, Sergei V. Rjabchikov, R. William J. Samarin, Paul Sidwell, Edward J. Vajda, Edward J. Vajda, Diane Beelen Woody & Xinzhang Yang
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► pp. 387 ff.

Sőrés, Anna
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► pp. 714 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 28 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.