Baby Talk (BT), also known as child-directed speech, is a non-standard form of speech used by adults when talking to infants. In Arandic languages BT involves the use of a small set of unique but widely known words, onomatopoeic-derived words, as well as phonological modifications to standard vocabulary. As in neighboring Warlpiri (Laughren 1984), Arandic BT contains a simplified phonology that conflates coronal contrasts and avoids rhotics and consonant clusters. Whilst standard Arandic words are mostly vowel-initial, this weak initial syllable is omitted in BT and the preferred CVCV(C) word structure is achieved through patterns of reduplication and truncation. The BT phonology becomes more complex with the perceived development of the child’s phonological competence, a case of fine-tuning over time.
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Cited by (7)
Cited by seven other publications
Baturay-Meral, Semra
2024. Phonological templates and the lexicon. Lexis :23
Claire Bowern
2023. The Oxford Guide to Australian Languages,
Demuth, Katherine
2019. Prosodic constraints on children’s use of grammatical morphemes. First Language 39:1 ► pp. 80 ff.
Disbray, Samantha & Gillian Wigglesworth
2019. Indigenous Children’s Language Practices in Australia. In The Palgrave Handbook of Minority Languages and Communities, ► pp. 357 ff.
Jones, Caroline, Mridula Sharma, Samantha Harkus, Catherine McMahon, Mele Taumoepeau, Katherine Demuth, Karen Mattock, Lee Rosas, Raelene Wing, Sulabha Pawar & Anne Hampshire
2018. A program to respond to otitis media in remote Australian Aboriginal communities: a qualitative investigation of parent perspectives. BMC Pediatrics 18:1
Topintzi, Nina & Andrew Nevins
2017. Moraic onsets in Arrernte. Phonology 34:3 ► pp. 615 ff.
Jones, Caroline & Felicity Meakins
2013. The phonological forms and perceived functions of janyarrp, the Gurindji ‘baby talk’ register. Lingua 134 ► pp. 170 ff.
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