Chapter 10
Citations in research writing
The interplay of discipline, culture and expertise
The paper investigates disciplinary, cultural and genre factors and their influence on citation in research writing. The study is based on literature and linguistics research articles written by Lithuanian and British researchers in their native languages as well as literature and linguistics BA papers written by Lithuanian students in English. The focus of the study is on frequency distribution, syntactic integration and types of citations. The results of the study of research articles confirm clear disciplinary variation in the way citations are employed in research writing. No obvious cultural differences were observed in the analysed expert texts, which points towards discipline as a decisive factor in citational trends in literature and linguistics. Citation trends in linguistic and literature BA papers were similar to a certain extent; however, students who wrote literature papers seem to cite more in the manner of professional writers and thus display more similarity with the conventional citational practices of their field.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Data and methods
- 3.Results and discussion
- 3.1Frequency distribution of citations
- 3.2Syntactic integration of citations
- 3.3Number of citations at one reference point
- 3.4Types of citations
- 4.Concluding observations
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