Constructional pressures on ‘sit’ in Modern Greek
This study argues for a constructional account of the non-postural senses of
Modern Greek verb kaθοme ‘I sit’. Corpus data provide a
detailed account of the constructional pressures on kaθοme
as V1 in conjunctive coordination of verbs (V1 and
V2) and show that the non-postural senses emerge in
syntactically compact versions of the string with shared subject and
tense/aspect where locative adverbials and posture and disposition
adjectives, characteristic of the postural interpretations, never occur. In
such uses, the morphologically coded aspectual frame further determines a
deliberate action or an extended
duration interpretation framing V2 verbs, typically of mental
activity or communication. Pragmatic inferences tied to the construction
provide further motivation for considering the string a form-meaning
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The semantics and morphology of kaθοme ‘I sit’
- 3.Coordination and pseudo-coordination
- 4.Why corpus methodology?
- 5.Contextual cues
- 5.1Semantic types of coordination
- 5.2Tense and aspect
- 5.3Semantic types and tense/aspect correlation
- 5.4Syntactic compactness of the string
- 5.5Semantic types and their structural traces
- Extended
- Deliberate
- Simultaneous
- Collection
5.6Subject Person/Number
- 5.7V2 verbs and their frames
- 5.8Pragmatic confluences
- 5.9Summary
- 6.Conclusion
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