The paper briefly presents the Language into Act Theory (L-AcT) that relies on two primary assumptions: (a) the pragmatic
basis of Information Structure (IS); (b) a strict correspondence between prosodic units and
information units. The study of IS requires the identification of the proper reference unit for
speech, that according to L-AcT is the utterance. Utterance is defined as the counterpart of a speech
act (Austin 1962), and is demarcated by prosody in the flow of speech. The paper
demonstrates the pragmatic foundation of IS. The Comment information unit conveys the illocutionary force,
automatically expressing the new information and is the core of IS. In addition to the Topic-Comment relation, other information units
exist, corresponding to Textual and Dialogical Functions. Given that information units match in one-to-one way to
prosodic units, the prosodic annotation grounds the identification of information units in the flow of speech. The
paper demonstrates L-AcT’s assumptions through examples taken from spontaneous spoken corpora of Romance languages, English, and
Chinese. L-AcT appears therefore viable for application in large, corpus-based, typological studies.
Article outline
2.The Reference unit for speech
2.1The prosodic identification of speech reference units
2.2The perceptual relevance of terminal prosodic breaks
2.3The utterance identification across languages
3.The language into act theory
3.1The pragmatic foundation of Information Pattern
3.2The Comment unit and the relation prosody / illocutionary force
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