Subject expression in Brazilian Portuguese
This chapter analyzes the expression of subjects with identifiable referents in Brazilian Portuguese, using the multi-level architecture of Functional Discourse Grammar (Hengeveld & Mackenzie 2008) and the notions of transparency and opacity as conceived of by this theory. The aim of the chapter is to show that in regard to subject expression, Brazilian Portuguese grammar may be developing into a more transparent system in comparison to its earlier stages and other Romance languages. It is shown that in many cases there is no verbal morphology to cross-reference the argument on the predicate with subjects being expressed by means of a single morphosyntactic unit; since this morphological unit corresponds to single units at higher levels of representation, subject expression involves a one-to-one relation between levels, resulting in a transparent system.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Subject expression in Romance languages
- 2.1Subject in Romance
- 2.2Subjects in Brazilian Portuguese
- 3.Transparency and opacity
- 4.Data and results
- 4.1The sample
- 4.2Transparency in Brazilian Portuguese subject expression
- 5.Conclusions