American grammarians were the first to make a systematic use of
diagrams to depict syntactic relations. Among the most elaborated early
attempts to visualize syntactic relations, Stephen W. Clark’s
Practical Grammar (1847) delivered many diagrams that merge
constituency-based analyses, relying on the description of the relations
between constructions and their parts, and a dependency-based approach,
focusing on hierarchical relations between words. Clark used labeled bubbles
to express his analyses. The same system was altered and derived numerous
times during the early history of syntactic diagramming, thus resulting in
the famous Reed & Kellogg’s system. By systematically evaluating Clark’s
analyses with respect to five general characteristics of dependency-based
descriptions, I show how much dependency-based Clark’s system is.
Article outline
2.From parsing to sentence analysis and
3.Clark’s diagramming system: Basic rationales, and the notion of ‘reification’
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