An examination of Franz Kern’s main works (1883a, 1883b, 1884, 1886, 1888) quickly reveals that his concept of
sentence structure is closely similar to many modern analyses in the
tradition of dependency grammar (DG). Kern took the finite
verb as the sentence root and positioned the subject and object phrases as
equi-level dependents of the verb in a like manner. In so doing, he was
rejecting the binary subject-predicate division associated with the works of
some of his contemporaries, most notably, Reed and Kellogg (1876). The aspect of Kern’s understanding of
sentence structure that is particularly valuable in tracing the development
of dependency syntax was his use of sentence diagrams. Kern produced
numerous diagrams that are similar to the stemmas Tesnière used
approximately 60 years later. Thus, Kern’s works on sentence structure stand
as a particularly clear manifestation of dependency syntax long before
dependency grammar became associated primarily with Tesnière’s efforts
(1953, 1959). Interestingly, Tesnière did not cite Kern.
This situation raises a basic question about whether Tesnière knew about
Kern’s works at all, or whether he was indirectly influenced by Kern through
the ideas of other German grammarians following in a tradition that Kern had
helped establish many decades earlier.
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Cited by five other publications
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2025. The Metaphorical Bases of Constituency and Dependency. In Word Grammar, Cognition and Dependency, ► pp. 126 ff.
2023. Syntaxe en n dimensions : choisir et représenter les espaces d’analyse. Travaux de linguistique n° 84-85:1 ► pp. 53 ff.
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