What can information-structural categories tell us about discourse
Article outline
- 1.Discourse particles and information structure: Preliminary definitions
- 2.Information-structural aspects of the syntax, semantics and pragmatics of
discourse particles
- 2.1Givenness and newness in the syntax and semantics of German discourse
- 2.2Common Ground Management and speech act specification as loci for
information-structural strategies
- 2.3A cross-linguistic view: Equivalence and interactions between particles and
information-structural strategies
- 2.4Particle placement, polyfunctionality and the role of information
structure in the emergence and specialization of discourse
- 3.“Epistemic authority”, “engagement” and “enimitives”: Information-structural approaches in the face of the newest
typological research on particle semantics
- 3.1Engagement, epistemic authority, egophoricity
- 3.2“Enimitives”
- 4.The contributions in this volume
- 5.Conclusion
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