Chapter 11
Structural and lexical aspects of the morphology of English participles
In this contribution, I explore the plausibility of a paradigm-free view to the analysis of different irregularities involving participles in English. I propose that making reference to paradigm-like entities is inescapable to provide a full account of the forms, but that the role of paradigms is more limited than standardly assumed in the literature. We will provide arguments in favour of the idea that most irregular participles (gone, been, written) emerge through the structurally-determined competition between stored verbal exponents. There will only be a small number of cases where it is necessary to invoke a higher-level object such as the paradigm, in the form of a diacritic (e.g., ABA cases such as come-came-come; Bauer et al. 2013).
Article outline
- 1.Introduction: The problem
- 2.Patterns of participial formation
- 3.The internal syntax of exponents
- 3.1Phrasal spell out in Nanosyntax
- 3.2Structurally analysable cases: Three heads
- 3.3Four heads instead of three
- 4.Relations between exponents in the lexicon: The role of paradigms
- 4.1The limits of the structural approach
- 4.2Paradigms
- 4.3Accidental homophony between exponents
- 5.The internal semantics of exponents: A possible identification
- 6.Conclusions
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