Negative indefinites
A typological and diachronic perspective on a Brabantic construction
Cited by (48)
Cited by 48 other publications
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Beaver, David & Kristin Denlinger
2020 .
Negation and Presupposition . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 369 ff.
Bohn, Manuel, Josep Call & Christoph J. Völter
2020 .
Evolutionary Precursors of Negation in Non-Human Reasoning . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 577 ff.
Breitbarth, Anne
2020 .
The Negative Cycle and Beyond . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 530 ff.
Christensen, Ken Ramshøj
2020 .
The Neurology of Negation . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 725 ff.
De Clercq, Karen
2020 .
Types of Negation . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 58 ff.
de Swart, Henriëtte
2020 .
Double Negation Readings . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 479 ff.
Delfitto, Denis
2020 .
Expletive Negation . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 255 ff.
Dwivedi, Veena D.
2020 .
Individual Differences in Processing of Negative Operators . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 713 ff.
Viviane Déprez & M. Teresa Espinal
2020 .
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
Fleisher, Nicholas
2020 .
Calculating the Scope of Negation . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 269 ff.
Francis, Naomi & Sabine Iatridou
2020 .
Modals and Negation . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 285 ff.
Fălăuş, Anamaria
2020 .
Negation and Alternatives . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 333 ff.
Giannakidou, Anastasia
2020 .
Negative Concord and the Nature of Negative Concord Items . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 458 ff.
Gianollo, Chiara
2020 .
Evolution of Negative Dependencies . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 546 ff.
Gianollo, Chiara
2020 .
The Morpho-Syntactic Nature of the Negative Marker . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 117 ff.
Grodzinsky, Yosef, Virginia Jaichenco, Isabelle Deschamps, María Elina Sánchez, Martín Fuchs, Peter Pieperhoff, Yonatan Loewenstein & Katrin Amunts
2020 .
Negation and the Brain . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 694 ff.
Hochmann, Jean-Rémy
2020 .
Cognitive Precursors of Negation in Preverbal Infants . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 589 ff.
Horn, Laurence R.
2020 .
Negation and Opposition . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 7 ff.
Horn, Laurence R.
2020 .
Neg-raising . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 199 ff.
Joshi, Shrikant
2020 .
Affixal Negation . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 75 ff.
Kaup, Barbara & Carolin Dudschig
2020 .
Understanding Negation . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 635 ff.
Larrivée, Pierre
2020 .
The Role of Pragmatics in Negation Change . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 563 ff.
Martins, Ana Maria
2020 .
Metalinguistic Negation . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 349 ff.
Mayr, Clemens
2020 .
Intervention Effects with Negation . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 216 ff.
Moeschler, Jacques
2020 .
Negative Predicates . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 26 ff.
Muller, Hanna & Colin Phillips
2020 .
Negative Polarity Illusions . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 656 ff.
Papeo, Liuba & Manuel de Vega
2020 .
The Neurobiology of Lexical and Sentential Negation . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 740 ff.
Pearce, Elizabeth
2020 .
Negation and Constituent Ordering . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 152 ff.
Poletto, Cecilia
2020 .
The Possible Positioning of Negation . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 135 ff.
Prieto, Pilar & M. Teresa Espinal
2020 .
Negation, Prosody, and Gesture . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 677 ff.
Quer, Josep
2020 .
The Expression of Negation in Sign Languages . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 177 ff.
Ripley, David
2020 .
Denial . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 47 ff.
Romero, Maribel
2020 .
Form and Function of Negative, Tag, and Rhetorical Questions . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 235 ff.
Schein, Barry
2020 .
Negation in Event Semantics . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 301 ff.
Sánchez, Liliana & Jennifer Austin
2020 .
Negation in L2 Acquisition and Beyond . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 615 ff.
Thornton, Rosalind
2020 .
Negation and First Language Acquisition . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 599 ff.
Tortora, Christina & Frances Blanchette
2020 .
Negation in Non-Standard Varieties . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 515 ff.
Tovena, Lucia M.
2020 .
Negative Polarity Items . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 391 ff.
Tubau, Susagna
2020 .
Minimizers and Maximizers as Different Types of Polarity Items . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 407 ff.
van der Auwera, Johan & Olga Krasnoukhova
2020 .
The Typology of Negation . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 91 ff.
Wallage, Phillip
2020 .
Quantitative Studies of the Use of Negative (Dependent) Expressions . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 499 ff.
Weir, Andrew
2020 .
Negative Fragment Answers . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 441 ff.
Zeijlstra, Hedde
2020 .
Negative Quantifiers . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 426 ff.
van der Auwera, Johan & Lauren Van Alsenoy
Van Alsenoy, Lauren & Johan van der Auwera
[no author supplied]
2020 .
Introduction . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. 1 ff.
[no author supplied]
2020 .
Copyright Page . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. iv ff.
[no author supplied]
2020 .
Abbreviations . In
The Oxford Handbook of Negation ,
► pp. xi ff.
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