Cited by (86)

Cited by 86 other publications

Pascua, Borja Alonso
2024. Divergent Pathways Of Jespersen’s Cycle In West Iberian Romance: Evidence Based On Spanish And Asturleonese (I). LINGUISTICA SILESIANA  pp. 21 ff. DOI logo
Ashby, William J. & Bonnie B. Fonseca-Greber
2023. Usage‐Based Approaches to Semantic Change. In The Handbook of Usage‐Based Linguistics,  pp. 435 ff. DOI logo
Ledgeway, Adam & Norma Schifano
2023. Negation and Verb-Movement in Romance: New Perspectives on Jespersen’s Cycle. Probus 35:1  pp. 151 ff. DOI logo
Bacskai-Atkari, Julia
Balla-Johnson, William
2022. An emerging scripta explains variation in the negative particlespasandmiein Old French. Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics 8:1  pp. 113 ff. DOI logo
Tagliani, Marta & Stefan Rabanus
2022. The cycle in language change. Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 4:2  pp. 191 ff. DOI logo
Petry, Paloma, Marcos Goldnadel & Luana Lamberti
2021. Funções pragmáticas de enunciados com dupla negação em Porto Alegre no final do século XX: uma análise qualitativa de dados extraídos de entrevistas sociolinguísticas. Revista da ABRALIN  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Beaver, David & Kristin Denlinger
2020. Negation and Presupposition. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 369 ff. DOI logo
Bohn, Manuel, Josep Call & Christoph J. Völter
2020. Evolutionary Precursors of Negation in Non-Human Reasoning. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 577 ff. DOI logo
Christensen, Ken Ramshøj
2020. The Neurology of Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 725 ff. DOI logo
De Clercq, Karen
2020. Types of Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 58 ff. DOI logo
de Swart, Henriëtte
2020. Double Negation Readings. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 479 ff. DOI logo
Delfitto, Denis
2020. Expletive Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 255 ff. DOI logo
Dwivedi, Veena D.
2020. Individual Differences in Processing of Negative Operators. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 713 ff. DOI logo
Viviane Déprez & M. Teresa Espinal
2020. The Oxford Handbook of Negation, DOI logo
Fleisher, Nicholas
2020. Calculating the Scope of Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 269 ff. DOI logo
Francis, Naomi & Sabine Iatridou
2020. Modals and Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 285 ff. DOI logo
Fălăuş, Anamaria
2020. Negation and Alternatives. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 333 ff. DOI logo
Giannakidou, Anastasia
2020. Negative Concord and the Nature of Negative Concord Items. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 458 ff. DOI logo
Gianollo, Chiara
2020. Evolution of Negative Dependencies. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 546 ff. DOI logo
Gianollo, Chiara
2020. The Morpho-Syntactic Nature of the Negative Marker. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 117 ff. DOI logo
Grodzinsky, Yosef, Virginia Jaichenco, Isabelle Deschamps, María Elina Sánchez, Martín Fuchs, Peter Pieperhoff, Yonatan Loewenstein & Katrin Amunts
2020. Negation and the Brain. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 694 ff. DOI logo
Hochmann, Jean-Rémy
2020. Cognitive Precursors of Negation in Preverbal Infants. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 589 ff. DOI logo
Horn, Laurence R.
2020. Negation and Opposition. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
Horn, Laurence R.
2020. Neg-raising. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 199 ff. DOI logo
Joshi, Shrikant
2020. Affixal Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 75 ff. DOI logo
Kaup, Barbara & Carolin Dudschig
2020. Understanding Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 635 ff. DOI logo
Martins, Ana Maria
2020. Metalinguistic Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 349 ff. DOI logo
Mayr, Clemens
2020. Intervention Effects with Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 216 ff. DOI logo
Moeschler, Jacques
2020. Negative Predicates. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 26 ff. DOI logo
Mosegaard Hansen, Maj-Britt
2020. Introduction. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 21:2  pp. 165 ff. DOI logo
Muller, Hanna & Colin Phillips
2020. Negative Polarity Illusions. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 656 ff. DOI logo
Papeo, Liuba & Manuel de Vega
2020. The Neurobiology of Lexical and Sentential Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 740 ff. DOI logo
Pearce, Elizabeth
2020. Negation and Constituent Ordering. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 152 ff. DOI logo
Poletto, Cecilia
2020. The Possible Positioning of Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 135 ff. DOI logo
Prieto, Pilar & M. Teresa Espinal
2020. Negation, Prosody, and Gesture. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 677 ff. DOI logo
Quer, Josep
2020. The Expression of Negation in Sign Languages. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 177 ff. DOI logo
Ripley, David
2020. Denial. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 47 ff. DOI logo
Romero, Maribel
2020. Form and Function of Negative, Tag, and Rhetorical Questions. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 235 ff. DOI logo
Schein, Barry
2020. Negation in Event Semantics. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 301 ff. DOI logo
Sánchez, Liliana & Jennifer Austin
2020. Negation in L2 Acquisition and Beyond. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 615 ff. DOI logo
Thornton, Rosalind
2020. Negation and First Language Acquisition. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 599 ff. DOI logo
Tortora, Christina & Frances Blanchette
2020. Negation in Non-Standard Varieties. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 515 ff. DOI logo
Tovena, Lucia M.
2020. Negative Polarity Items. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 391 ff. DOI logo
Tubau, Susagna
2020. Minimizers and Maximizers as Different Types of Polarity Items. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 407 ff. DOI logo
van der Auwera, Johan & Olga Krasnoukhova
2020. The Typology of Negation. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 91 ff. DOI logo
Weir, Andrew
2020. Negative Fragment Answers. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 441 ff. DOI logo
Zeijlstra, Hedde
2020. Negative Quantifiers. In The Oxford Handbook of Negation,  pp. 426 ff. DOI logo
Grieve-Smith, Angus
2019. Case Study 1: The Spread of Change in French Negation. In Building a Representative Theater Corpus,  pp. 35 ff. DOI logo
Krasnoukhova, Olga & Johan van der Auwera
2019. Standard negation in Awa Pit: From synchrony to diachrony. Folia Linguistica 53:s40-s2  pp. 439 ff. DOI logo
Blaxter, Tam & David Willis
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2018. How speakers interpret the negative markersnoandno…pasin Catalan. Probus 30:1  pp. 121 ff. DOI logo
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2016. Some Issues in Negation in Portuguese. In The Handbook of Portuguese Linguistics,  pp. 425 ff. DOI logo
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2016. Negative doubling in the Italo-Mexican community of Chipilo, Mexico. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 29:2  pp. 582 ff. DOI logo
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[no author supplied]
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[no author supplied]
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[no author supplied]
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[no author supplied]
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[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
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[no author supplied]
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[no author supplied]
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[no author supplied]
2021. The power of nothing. In Negation, Expectation and Ideology in Written Texts [Linguistic Approaches to Literature, 38],  pp. 203 ff. DOI logo

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