Torso articulation in sign languages
Torso articulation in sign languages is mentioned variably in the linguistic analysis of sign languages but is
often ignored. The prevailing idea seems to be that detailed study of movement of the parts of the torso will yield little insight
into linguistic matters – so mentions can be general and brief. The result is that torso articulations are an unmined area –
perhaps one that holds treasures, particularly regarding the appreciation of creative sign language. We draw together the findings
of other research regarding torso articulation, then give an inventory of possible torso articulations, exemplified with signs
from dozens of the world’s named sign languages, and a brief overview of how annotation systems have approached torso movement in
signs. We end with suggestions for how the study of torso articulation can open new avenues of sign language research.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction and background
- 2.Relevant findings of others on torso articulation
- 2.1The torso in the lexicon
- 2.2The torso in discourse
- 2.3The torso in creative sign language
- 2.4What’s missing
- 3.Our data set and our method
- 4.Toward an inventory of torso articulation
- 5.Annotation of torso articulation
- 6.Conclusion and potential areas of future investigations
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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