This chapter examines the Finnish particles siis,
eli(kkä) and nii(n) et(tä)
when they occupy the turn-initial position. The chapter focuses on
the use of these particles when they preface a single type of
action, a reformulation of the prior speaker’s turn or more extended
stretch of talk. In contrast to reformulations without a prefacing
particle, the particles are used for contextualizing the turn by
displaying their speaker’s stance vis-à-vis the action being done.
It will be shown that while the prefaces share a range of
characteristics, most importantly making an explicit link to the
prior talk and projecting a reformulation to come, each of them
displays a distinctive epistemic stance (e.g. degree of certainty;
basis of the reformulation). The chapter sets the turn-initial use
of the particles in relation to their other types of usages and
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2024. Role of six turn-initial demonstrative and emotive particles in Lithuanian. Open Linguistics 10:1
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2023. Transitions Between Interactional Spaces: Working Towards Shared Understanding in a Hybrid Workshop Setting. In Complexity of Interaction, ► pp. 457 ff.
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