Chapter 1
Polar questions and their responses
Question–answer sequences are arguably among the most basic building blocks for sequences of action in
interaction and are ubiquitous among the languages of the world. This chapter reviews and synthesizes current interactional
research on polar questions and answers across languages in order to contextualize the work assembled in this volume. We
introduce grammatical and pragmatic resources for forming and recognizing polar questions, discuss principles of polar
question design, and overview different types of polar responses. We conclude the chapter with a preview of the included
studies, a discussion of their contributions, and suggestions for future research directions.
Keywords: affirming, confirming, epistemic stance, epistemic gradient, polar answers, polar questions, preference, question-answer sequences, question design, repetitional response, response design, response particle
Article outline
- 1.What is a polar question?
- 2.The use of polar and content questions in conversation
- 3.Grammatical resources for forming polar questions across languages
- 4.Epistemic asymmetry as a basis for recognizing polar questions
- 5.Principles of polar question design
- 5.1Polar questions convey epistemic stances
- 5.1.1What is the likely state of affairs
- 5.1.2Epistemic (un)certainty
- 5.2Polar questions convey preferences
- 5.3Polar questions as vehicles for other actions
- 6.Response design
- 6.1Particle responses
- 6.2Repetitional responses
- 6.3Beyond particles and repetitions
- 7.Overview of the volume
- 8.Concluding remarks