Cited by (22)

Cited by 22 other publications

Zin, Syatirah Mat, Fatanah M. Suhaimi, Siti Noor Fazliah Mohd Noor, Nur Fatehah Md Shakur, Ahmad Fakrurrozi Mohamad, Aimi Syahidah Zulkipli & Nurulakma Zali
2018. 2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES),  pp. 447 ff. DOI logo
Bassiouny, Samia E., Mona A. Hegazi, Jilan F. Nassar, Mohsen A. Ibrahim, Aml S. Saber & Ahmed Abdel Hamid
2013. Development of an Arabic speech intelligibility test for children. The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology 29:3  pp. 202 ff. DOI logo
Liker, Marko & Fiona E. Gibbon
2013. Differences in EPG contact dynamics between voiced and voiceless lingual fricatives. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 43:1  pp. 49 ff. DOI logo
Liker, Marko & Fiona E. Gibbon
2018. Tongue-Palate Contact Timing during /s/ and /z/ in English. Phonetica 75:2  pp. 110 ff. DOI logo
Buchwald, Adam & Michele Miozzo
2011. Finding Levels of Abstraction in Speech Production. Psychological Science 22:9  pp. 1113 ff. DOI logo
Bartle-Meyer, Carly J., Justine V. Goozée, Bruce E. Murdoch & Jordan R. Green
2009. Kinematic analysis of articulatory coupling in acquired apraxia of speech post-stroke. Brain Injury 23:2  pp. 133 ff. DOI logo
Bartle‐Meyer, Carly J., Bruce E. Murdoch & Justine V. Goozée
2009. An electropalatographic investigation of linguopalatal contact in participants with acquired apraxia of speech: A quantitative and qualitative analysis. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 23:9  pp. 688 ff. DOI logo
Buchwald, Adam B., Brenda Rapp & Maureen Stone
2007. Insertion of discrete phonological units: An articulatory and acoustic investigation of aphasic speech. Language and Cognitive Processes 22:6  pp. 910 ff. DOI logo
Cheng, Hei Yan, Bruce E. Murdoch & Justine V. Goozée
2007. Temporal features of articulation from childhood to adolescence: An electropalatographic investigation. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 21:6  pp. 481 ff. DOI logo
Pouplier, Marianne
2007. Tongue Kinematics during Utterances Elicited with the SLIP Technique. Language and Speech 50:3  pp. 311 ff. DOI logo
McLeod, Sharynne
2006. Australian adults' production of /n/: An EPG investigation. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 20:2-3  pp. 99 ff. DOI logo
McLeod, Sharynne, Amber Roberts & Jodi Sita
2006. Tongue/palate contact for the production of /s/ and /z/. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 20:1  pp. 51 ff. DOI logo
McLeod, Sharynne & Jeff Searl
2006. Adaptation to an Electropalatograph Palate: Acoustic, Impressionistic, and Perceptual Data. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 15:2  pp. 192 ff. DOI logo
Pouplier, M. & W. Hardcastle
2005. A Re-Evaluation of the Nature of Speech Errors in Normal and Disordered Speakers. Phonetica 62:2-4  pp. 227 ff. DOI logo
Gibbon, Fiona E., Alison M. McNeill, Sara E. Wood & Jocelynne M. M. Watson
2003. Changes in linguapalatal contact patterns during therapy for velar fronting in a 10‐year‐old with Down's syndrome. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 38:1  pp. 47 ff. DOI logo
Nijland, Lian, Ben Maassen & Sjoeke van der Meulen
2003. Evidence of Motor Programming Deficits in Children Diagnosed With DAS. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 46:2  pp. 437 ff. DOI logo
Gibbon, Fiona E. & Sara E. Wood
2002. Articulatory Drift in the Speech of Children with Articulation and Phonological Disorders. Perceptual and Motor Skills 95:1  pp. 295 ff. DOI logo
Haley, Katarina L., Gina L. Bays & Ralph N. Ohde
2001. Phonetic properties of aphasic-apraxic speech: A modified narrow transcription analysis. Aphasiology 15:12  pp. 1125 ff. DOI logo
Hardcastle, William J. & Fiona Gibbon
1997. Electropalatography and its Clinical Applications. In Instrumental Clinical Phonetics,  pp. 149 ff. DOI logo
Howard, Sara & Rosemary Varley
1995. III: EPG in Therapy Using electropalatography to treat severe acquired apraxia of speech. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 30:2  pp. 246 ff. DOI logo
Wood, S. E.
1995. An electropalatographic analysis of stutterers' speech. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 30:2  pp. 226 ff. DOI logo
Gibbon, Fiona, Hilary Dent & William Hardcastle
1993. Diagnosis and therapy of abnormal alveolar stops in a speech-disordered child using electropalatography. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 7:4  pp. 247 ff. DOI logo

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