Part of
Theories of Reading Development
Edited by Kate Cain, Donald L. Compton and Rauno K. Parrila
[Studies in Written Language and Literacy 15] 2017
► pp. 311332
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2020. Identifying interactive biological pathways associated with reading disability. Brain and Behavior 10:8 DOI logo
Parrila, Rauno, Dean Dudley, Shuang Song & George K. Georgiou
2020. A meta-analysis of reading-level match dyslexia studies in consistent alphabetic orthographies. Annals of Dyslexia 70:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Colenbrander, Danielle, Jessie Ricketts & Helen L. Breadmore
2018. Early Identification of Dyslexia: Understanding the Issues. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 49:4  pp. 817 ff. DOI logo

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