Chapter 2
Theoretical considerations on the study of address
Article outline
- 2.1Previous research on nominal and pronominal address
- 2.1.1Brown & Gilman (1960) and Brown & Ford (1961)
- 2.1.2Mühleisen (2005, 2010, 2011)
- 2.2Address in social interaction
- 2.2.1Address and politeness
- 2.2.2Address and social distance
- 2.2.3Address and identity
- 2.3Nominal address in English
- 1.Bare titles (T)
- 2.Hierarchic titles (HT)
- 3.Title + last name (TLN)
- 4.Bare last names (LN)
- 5.Title + first name (TFN)
- 6.Bare first names (FN)
- 7.Generic first names
- 8.Nicknames, terms of abuse, and terms of endearment
- 9.Kinship terms for relatives
- 10.Kinship terms for non-kin
- 11.Minor forms of address
- 2.4Pronominal address in English