List of tables
Table 2.1Categories of nominal address in English25
Table 3.1Dyads in the Jamaican and Trinidadian literary works classified according to the characters’ sex, age, and relationship43
Table 3.2Use of categories of nominal address across dyads45
Table 3.3Use of categories of nominal address across dyads (classified according to the speakers’ and the addressees’ sex)48
Table 3.4Use of categories of nominal address across dyads (classified according to the speakers’ and the addressees’ age)55
Table 3.5Use of categories of nominal address across dyads in the Jamaican corpus (classified according to the relationship between speaker and addressee)61
Table 3.6Use of categories of nominal address across dyads in the Trinidadian corpus (classified according to the relationship between speaker and addressee)62
Table 4.1Classification of occupations according to ISCO-0887
Table 4.2Classification of informants according to their social class87
Table 4.3Distribution of informants across social categories93
Table 4.4Demographic information about Jamaican interviewees96
Table 4.5Demographic information about Trinidadian interviewees96
Table A.1List of Jamaican and Trinidadian writers (including their number of works) selected for the present corpus study233
Table A.2Jamaican literary works selected for the present corpus study234
Table A.3Trinidadian literary works selected for the present corpus study235