The Normative Model of Twentieth Century Belles Infidèles
Detective Novels in French Translation
Clem Robyns | Comparative Literature, K.U. Leuven Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research
This paper draws on an analysis of Anglo-American detectives, thrillers and spy stories translated into the French Série Noire between the late fifties and the early seventies. Almost all of these translations are of the non-adequate type: the original novels are transformed according to an elaborate narrative model. It appears that these translation strategies correspond to the systemic position of the Série Noire in the French detective genre. However, they also fit into the old French tradition of translations as belles infideles, which was said to have "disappeared" in the 19th century.
Article outline
I.The Série Noire and the Evolution of a Non-canonized Subsystem
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