Twenty years in the life of an academic journal is justification enough for stocktaking, be it ever so tentative; the more so as, in the case at hand, the anniversary coincides with a major change of editorship. I would also like to think that the time is ripe for some patting on the proverbial back, even if it is I who is both doing the patting as well as offering the back to be patted. In what follows, a series of half-baked observations evolving around Target’s first twenty years will be made towards a sociocultural account of the journal and its evolution in time, which, if and when completed, will no doubt constitute an important part of the history of our discipline, which is something we still miss.
2024. Examining translation and interpretation studies in GCC states: data from Web of Science (1991–2023). Cogent Arts & Humanities 11:1
Yan, Jackie Xiu, Jun Pan & Honghua Wang
2018. Beyond the Landscape “of Light”: A Review of Pedagogical Research Articles in Meta (2000–2014). In Research on Translator and Interpreter Training [New Frontiers in Translation Studies, ], ► pp. 77 ff.
Delabastita, Dirk, Sandra Halverson, José Lambert & Kirsten Malmkjær
2016. In Memoriam. Meta: Journal des traducteurs 61:3 ► pp. 505 ff.
Liang, Linxin & Mingwu Xu
2016. A Bibliometric Analysis of International Translation Studies: Based on Relevant Data (2009–2013). Translation Review 94:1 ► pp. 52 ff.
2016. A Study on Research Models in Audiovisual Translation Research. The Journal of Translation Studies 17:3 ► pp. 61 ff.
van Doorslaer, Luc & Yves Gambier
2015. Measuring relationships in Translation Studies. On affiliations and keyword frequencies in the Translation Studies Bibliography. Perspectives 23:2 ► pp. 305 ff.
2013. Women as translators, as translation trainers, and as translation scholars. Women's Studies International Forum 40 ► pp. 144 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 29 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.