Interpreting Research and the ‘Manipulation School’ of Translation Studies
With a special view to applying it to interpreting research, this article examines, explains and puts into perspective what others have dubbed the 'Manipulation School'. This group of scholars see themselves as working within descriptive translation studies (DTS), as defined by James S Holmes, and their main methodological tool is a search for translational norms, first proposed by Gideon Toury. The article then looks at interpreting research—especially Daniel Gile 's work—and explores how the ideas of the 'Manipulation School ' relate to current research in this particular field.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The Manipulation School and the Concept of Norms
- 3.Interpreting Research in a Historical Perspective
- 4.Interpreting Research in a Contemporary Perspective
- 4.1.The Liberal Arts Community
- 4.2.The Natural Sciences Community
- 4.3.A Call for Interdisciplinary Studies
- 5.Interpreting Research and the Manipulation School
- Notes
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