Interdisciplinary Research—Difficulties and Benefits
Ingrid Kurz | Institut für Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherausbildung der Universität Wien
Part One outlines the desirability and difficulties of an interdisciplinary approach to interpretation research and theory. Part Two describes the design, implementation and first results of a collaborative study: EEG recordings during mental simultaneous interpretation into L1 and L2 were compared with EEG recordings during other cognitive tasks (shadowing, mental arithmetic, listening to music) and with the EEG at rest to investigate the cortical processes during simultaneous interpretation. Both hemispheres are involved in simultaneous interpretation, most of all the temporal regions (left more than right), and there are EEG differences between tasks involving verbal thinking and non-verbal tasks and between simultaneous interpretation into L1 and L2.
Article outline
I.General Remarks
II.An example of Interdisciplinary Research: EEG Mapping During Simultaneous Interpreting
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