- ability
- inductive language learning143, 149, 157
- absence of planning time111, 128, 358
- absence of significant effects for working memory183
- absence of task anxiety127
- accommodating individual differences in TBLT344, 354
- accuracy13–15, 17,
34, 66, 129, 161, 163,
165, 167–69, 173–77, 181–83, 185–87, 189, 351–52
- accuracy and complexity34, 66, 163
- accuracy and fluency144, 189, 303
- adaptations312, 314, 317,
320–24, 328,
330, 332, 334,
- adding linguistic support321, 330, 333–34
- adolescents58–60, 78,
80–82, 241,
263, 265, 278
- adult learners69, 262, 264–70, 275, 283
- adults20, 44, 58–60, 80–83, 240, 263, 266,
269–73, 275–76, 278, 283
- affective3–4, 6,
11–12, 16,
19, 202, 204, 214–15, 222, 347, 351–52
- affective dimensions12, 53, 89,
104, 108, 112–13, 128, 132, 163, 189, 201
- affective variables5, 14, 76,
- age3–4, 11–12, 20–21, 42–43, 58, 80–83, 146, 241, 262–70, 272–83, 285–86, 319–21, 329–30, 347–48, 355–56
- Age and cognitive task demands282
- age and tasks for learning273, 278
- age-comparison studies278
- age differences263, 265, 267–68, 270–71, 273,
275, 278, 281,
- Age differences in negotiation and feedback in classroom285
- age effects44, 262–64, 266, 268, 273,
278, 281–83
- age groups58, 263, 267,
269–70, 272–74, 276, 278–79, 281
- Age-related differences on cognitive overload285
- amount of anxiety to face-to-face communication28
- amount of task engagement behavior56
- AMTB (Attitude/Motivation Test Battery)16
- analysis, content-based237, 242–43
- analytic ability19, 29–31, 38, 140, 143–45, 148, 153, 155–59, 160
- antecedent of motivation291
- anxiety3–4, 6–7, 19, 24–29, 37–40, 43–45, 48, 52–83, 85–90, 106–7, 111–19, 121–34, 161–94, 211–12, 214–15, 217–18, 295–97, 302–3, 355–56, 358–59
- output26, 67–68, 78, 185, 189
- anxiety and enjoyment10, 26, 28,
37, 39, 43, 45, 107,
126–27, 132
- anxiety and enjoyment in TBLT26
- anxiety and motivation76, 78
- anxiety and motivation on EFL78
- anxiety and perceptions65, 79
- anxiety and perceptions of EFL college students79
- anxiety and pre-task planning179
- anxiety and task modality70
- anxiety for syntactic complexity178
- anxiety in complex tasks67
- anxiety in learners’ engagement70
- anxiety in mobile-assisted language learning72
- anxiety in simple tasks185
- anxiety in task-based learning53
- anxiety learners experience26, 350
- anxiety levels60, 62–63, 65, 69–70, 73, 79, 114,
117, 122–23, 130, 172
- anxiety measure116, 168, 350
- anxiety measurements61, 74, 111–12
- anxiety on low-proficient Spanish L2 learners131
- anxiety on syntactic complexity179
- anxiety questionnaire65, 81, 172
- anxiety scores62–63, 71,
176, 180
- anxiety studies52, 54–55, 62, 80, 137,
- anxious learners37, 40–41, 43, 52, 55–56, 62–66, 68–71, 73, 168–69, 184, 296–97, 302, 304–6
- approach
- idiodynamic88–89, 106, 132
- traditional52, 248–49, 253
- aptitude3–4, 16,
21, 26, 29–31, 35, 45–46, 85, 140–46, 152, 154–58
- aptitude and development44, 144, 156,
- aptitude and task complexity31
- aptitude and working memory16, 85
- aptitude components30, 143, 145
- aptitude information143, 158
- Aptitude measures148–49, 152
- aptitude profiles140–43, 158
- aptitude research30, 46, 49,
- aptitude scores146, 152–54
- aptitude tests29, 143, 145–46, 151–53, 157
- aptitude test scores151, 153, 155
- aptitude-treatment-interactionSee ATI
- Aptitude-treatment interaction48, 143, 159
- ATI (aptitude-treatment-interaction)21, 143, 357
- attention11–13, 30–31, 34–35, 42, 44, 53,
59, 84–86, 90–91, 219–20, 222, 301, 347–48, 351–53, 355–56
- attention to form53, 134, 158
- attention to teacher IDs12
- Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB)16
- autonomy17, 41, 203,
258, 298, 309
- avoidance behaviors168–69, 172
- beginner58–60, 80–82, 207, 209,
241, 246
- beginner learners, young268, 286
- beliefs3, 7, 20,
64, 223, 228–39, 241–47, 249–59, 282, 286, 299–300, 302, 353
- motivational77, 168–69, 188
- negative300, 303–4, 306, 308, 359
- teacher/learner228–29, 233
- beliefs about task-based language teaching228
- boredom12, 76, 85,
90, 107–8, 203
- burden, heavy processing36, 38
- Bygate11, 44, 48,
115, 132–33, 150, 158, 222,
258, 285–86, 339
- CAF40, 66, 163,
167–68, 173,
- cancel ID effects10, 39–40
- Carless229, 232, 239,
245–49, 255,
264, 283, 313,
- CFA (confirmatory factor analyses)84, 96, 98–99, 102–3, 244
- challenges32, 131–32, 134, 232, 237–38, 247–48, 251,
254, 256–58, 274, 276, 282–83, 296–97
- characteristics, methodological228–29, 231,
233, 236, 250,
- Chengchen Li & Jean-Marc Dewaele86–110
- child and adolescent language learners in schools271, 367
- child interactions282, 285
- child learners269–70, 272
- children20, 44, 48,
58–59, 267,
269–73, 275–76, 278, 280–81, 283, 285
- older263, 272, 274,
276, 278–79
- Chinese59–60, 80,
83, 207, 209, 239–40, 251, 254, 256,
259, 264
- choice28, 31–33, 41–42, 44, 47, 225, 227,
230, 278, 280,
- choice and design of tasks280, 294
- choice of tasks276, 278, 280,
301, 345, 349
- class72, 94, 136,
146–47, 190–93, 245, 247, 288, 290–91, 294–95, 297, 302–4, 307, 318, 327–28
- classroom129–30, 221,
223, 226, 245,
278, 280–82, 285, 288–89, 291–92, 298–99, 336, 338, 353,
- flipped76–77, 79, 297, 307
- classroom activities222, 245
- classroom-based perspective255, 259, 286
- classroom-based study78, 134, 160
- CLIL265, 268, 273–74, 276
- CLIL and mainstream EFL278, 282
- CLT (communicative language teaching)231
- clusters21, 231, 312,
321, 330, 332,
334–35, 350
- CMC (computer-mediated communication)18, 52, 54,
56–57, 60,
69–76, 114,
- CMC, asynchronous54, 71, 74
- CMC and FTF modes60, 70–71
- code complexity111, 118, 358
- cognition48, 85, 91,
109, 116, 141,
188, 229, 234,
- Cognition and second language instruction78, 160, 188
- Cognition Hypothesis8, 13–14, 17, 53, 66–67, 78, 162–63, 188, 199, 337, 339
- Cognition Hypothesis and individual difference factors109
- cognition hypothesis of language learning48, 187–88
- cognition hypothesis of language learning and performance48, 76, 78,
- cognitive abilities15, 17, 29–30, 34–35, 40, 47, 85–86, 108, 159,
163, 167
- cognitive anxiety168, 172
- cognitive approach to language learning134, 160, 310
- cognitive demands17, 68, 85,
111–12, 118,
127–28, 169,
183–85, 218,
- cognitive demands of tasks53, 114, 131,
- Cognitive differences12, 139
- cognitive engagement202–4, 206,
213, 224, 351–52
- Cognitive individual difference85, 367
- cognitive load35, 129, 182,
184, 216, 285
- cognitive load measures117
- cognitive processes18, 90, 116,
142, 187, 364–65
- cognitive resources13, 90, 163,
- Cognitive task complexity and L2187
- cognitive task complexity and task anxiety114, 121–22, 125
- cognitive task complexity research134, 258, 361
- collaboration28, 39, 70,
103, 160, 203,
214–15, 247,
280, 306, 336
- collaborative research network (CRN)258
- communication, asynchronous voice-based71
- communication modes71, 207–8, 210, 218
- communicative tasks26, 31, 36,
89, 210, 213–14, 247, 280, 334
- complex dynamic system225
- Complex Dynamic Systems Theory15–16, 19,
- complexity13–14, 34,
66, 163, 165, 167, 173–75, 181–83, 186–87, 189, 230–31, 350–52, 357–58
- cognitive78, 121, 132–34, 189, 218, 357–58
- lexical166, 173, 182,
- linguistic13–14, 29, 42, 109, 157,
165, 167–68, 183
- Complexity Theory201, 357
- Complex systems in applied linguistics338
- complex tasks12–13, 25,
28–31, 36–41, 43, 52–53, 56, 66–69, 119–27, 129, 131, 134–35, 167, 169, 295–96
- components of speech production14
- Composite reliabilitySee CR
- comprehension195, 266, 269,
- computer-assisted language learning69, 366
- computer-mediated communicationSee CMC
- conative3, 5, 12,
14, 19, 43, 347, 356
- conative variables3–4, 6,
11, 16
- conceptual information118–19, 126–27, 129
- conceptualizer14, 163, 181,
- confidence85, 89, 97,
105, 215, 247–50, 291, 296, 325
- confirmatory factor analysesSee CFA
- constructs15, 22, 24,
32, 162, 198–99, 204–5, 208, 210, 220–22, 351–52
- content14, 17, 20,
22–23, 26,
33–34, 41,
43, 165–67, 183, 212, 214,
216, 294, 302–4
- learner-generated46, 217, 224
- content familiarity14, 44, 226
- content familiarity and planning44, 165
- content knowledge325–26, 331–33, 335, 340–42
- contexts80–83, 88–91, 104–5, 157–58, 198–99205–8, 219–21, 226–29, 232–33, 239–40, 242,
251–52, 262–65, 273–79, 281,
285, 312–13, 316–19, 332–35, 340–42
- Contextualizing TBLT255, 282
- contribution of input78, 189
- convergent validity24, 96, 99–100, 103, 105
- corpus236–39, 241–44, 246–54, 259
- correction group, direct metalinguistic143–44
- corrective feedback17, 20, 29–31, 35–40, 45–46, 49, 52–53, 56–57, 61–66, 73–74, 76, 78–79, 144
- Corrective feedback, perceptions53, 57, 63–64, 66, 73
- corrective feedback
- written64–65, 77, 143, 160, 221
- corrective feedback and behaviors53
- corrective feedback and learner uptake267
- corrective feedback in oral communication classes79
- corrective feedback types, written159
- correlations, negative24, 29
- CR (Composite reliability)96, 100, 103
- creativity17, 41, 129,
217, 281, 347
- critical period effects in second language acquisition45
- CRN (collaborative research network)258
- Cronbach2–3, 7,
12, 45, 143, 159, 347,
- cultures20, 32, 34,
246–47, 249,
254, 258, 260,
300, 363, 365
- data, qualitative83, 120, 124–26, 243–44
- declarative memory and working memory31
- defense of tasks225, 338, 361
- definition of engagement202
- definition of enjoyment95
- DeKeyser15, 19–21, 45, 47, 142–43, 159
- demands, procedural13, 35, 125,
- design features349–50, 358
- Dewaele7, 23, 26–27, 45–46, 87–88, 90, 103, 106–8, 132–33, 348, 350
- Dewaele & MacIntyre87, 89, 95,
104, 126–27, 130
- dictogloss procedure140, 157–58
- dictogloss tasks7, 30, 34,
46, 76, 140, 144, 149–50, 157–58, 224,
- dimensions
- emotional129, 202, 204,
- resource-directing13, 163
- resource-dispersing13–14, 21, 118, 162–63
- dimensions of engagement202–4, 213,
- dimensions of resource-dispersing/performative125
- dimensions of task enjoyment102–4
- Direct written corrective feedback160
- discriminant validity99–100, 103,
- dispositions11, 18, 21,
163, 199, 264
- relatively stable anxiety103, 168
- domain-general nature of working memory35
- Dörnyei34, 45–46, 76, 132–33, 199–201, 204, 212, 214, 216–17, 220–21, 223–25, 291–93, 295,
310, 360
- Dörnyei & MacIntyre61, 83
- dynamicity10, 16, 19,
72–73, 76,
89, 114, 212, 216, 220,
- dynamicity of IDs19, 330, 335,
- EFA (exploratory factor analyses)27, 33, 55,
84, 96–97, 102–3, 106, 244
- effects for working memory167
- effect sizes67, 101, 103,
122, 151
- effects of explicit correction36
- effects of explicit feedback35
- effects of foreign language anxiety on EFL78
- effects of planning7, 44, 75,
161–94, 222,
- effects of written languaging145, 150, 155,
157, 159
- EFL learners64, 71–72, 77–79, 88, 102, 215–17, 256, 258, 273,
276, 280
- Ellis45, 53–54, 106–7, 159–60, 161–62, 164–65, 170, 186–87, 198–99, 223–24, 231–32, 244, 253–54, 256–57, 265–66, 283, 313–15, 337, 354–57, 359–60
- emotional engagement90, 107, 203,
207, 213, 215,
218, 221, 223
- emotion and cognition85, 109
- emotions10, 12, 19–20, 26–27, 54, 57, 85–90, 94, 106,
108–9, 120,
124, 126–32
- Emotions in second language acquisition77, 107
- Emotions in second language learning108
- empirical studies on learner motivation and engagement in TBLT207
- engagement3–6, 8,
11, 20–22, 33–34, 46–47, 69–70, 73–74, 95, 97, 198–227, 245–46, 344,
346–54, 359–61
- affective202–3, 225, 351–52
- behavioral203, 213, 216,
- learner IDs impact80, 226, 353
- engagement in tasks34, 39, 69,
225, 349, 351
- engagement in TBLT210, 220
- engagement studies198, 211
- English32–33, 59–60, 76–77, 80–83, 147–49, 190–93, 207–9, 216–17, 219, 239–40, 251, 264, 266–67, 275, 277, 279–80, 291–93, 295–300, 304–5, 318
- English articles62, 64, 144,
- English-speaking countries92–93, 216,
- English teachers83, 98, 366
- English Writing Anxiety60, 80, 83
- enjoyment3–6, 26–28, 37–40, 45, 84–91, 95, 97–98, 103–7, 109–11, 123, 126–27, 131–32, 203, 214–15, 290–91, 303–4, 348
- experienced4, 107, 124,
303, 307
- episodic buffer34–35, 166,
- errors29–31, 36,
39, 61, 63–64, 66, 69, 143, 173,
177–79, 195
- ESL contexts26, 62, 160,
216, 225–26, 265, 268, 270,
- ESL Speaking Anxiety Questionnaire60, 83
- essays, argumentative68, 182
- examining task motivation33, 221
- existing TBLT research on beliefs231, 233
- explicit aptitude15, 20, 24,
31, 35
- explicit aptitude and task31, 38, 49
- explicit feedbackSee corrective feedback
- explicit feedback and individual differences159
- explicit instruction15, 17–19, 30, 40, 144–45, 156–57, 345
- explicit knowledge15, 140, 142,
156, 354
- explicit learning15, 18–19, 35, 38, 133,
158, 265, 366
- exploratory factor analysesSee EFA
- expressions, formulaic276, 328
- face-to-face28–29, 37,
69–70, 78,
132, 207, 210,
218–19, 236,
241–42, 353
- face-to-face communication28, 44, 52,
75, 132
- face-to-face settings208, 218, 251
- factor analyses3, 23, 28,
105, 108
- factors, social91, 95, 102,
- Factor structure of task enjoyment96
- familiarity94, 106, 125,
247, 353, 355
- fear53, 72, 74,
105, 295–96
- features, contextual209, 219
- feedback29, 31, 35–36, 52, 61–66, 221, 232,
234, 270–72, 281, 285, 294–95, 308–9, 315–16, 364–65
- implicit30–31, 35, 52, 63, 160
- negative14, 267, 269–70, 285
- flow20, 90, 97,
107, 200, 223,
- flow in online and in-person EFL classrooms107
- fluctuate16, 73, 115,
128, 217
- fluctuations4, 18–19, 88, 107, 217–18
- fluctuations in enjoyment88
- fluency13–15, 29,
161, 163, 165,
167–68, 173–75, 177, 180–84, 186–89, 299,
303, 351–52
- force, corrective61, 64, 74
- foreign language anxiety27, 45, 48,
54–55, 60–61, 75, 77–79, 81, 83,
112–15, 127
- Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA)17, 26–27, 45, 48, 54–55, 75–79, 112–15, 127, 350
- Foreign language anxiety and foreign language performance79
- Foreign language anxiety and task anxiety26
- Foreign language anxiety levels in Second Life77
- foreign language aptitude3, 8, 158,
160, 367
- foreign language classroom anxiety60–61, 64,
74, 76, 80, 82–83, 87, 89, 107–8, 113, 117, 121, 132–33
- Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale134See FLCAS
- foreign language enjoyment7, 27, 46,
84–85, 87–89, 91–94, 96, 101–4, 107–8, 127, 133
- foreign language enjoyment acts86–87, 94,
104, 107
- foreign language enjoyment-atmosphere88, 95, 101
- foreign language enjoyment-teacher88, 94–95
- Foreign Language Learning Anxiety Scale60, 83
- Foreign language learning boredom108
- Foreign Language Learning Boredom Scale89
- foreign language state anxiety116
- form-focused instruction15, 17, 21,
30–31, 40,
46, 57, 79, 147, 360,
- formulation14, 129, 163–64
- framework for IDs and TBLT16, 344, 348
- framework for task-based learning258, 311, 362,
- framework of Complexity Theory201
- freedom37, 41, 44,
167, 183, 270,
- functions, executive35–36, 188
- gap57, 62–64, 66, 68, 74,
140, 142, 162,
169, 265, 267,
- Gardner45, 47, 55,
61, 76–77, 80, 114, 133,
227, 291
- gender146, 236, 241–42, 269, 278, 280, 282, 318,
- general L2 IDs12, 16–17, 23
- general L2 motivation12, 23, 32–34, 37, 201,
211, 217
- general L2 motives and task engagement217
- genres17–18, 167–69, 182–83, 186,
- goals, primary non-linguistic84–85, 104
- grammatical sensitivity15, 143–44, 148, 157
- group dynamics24, 216, 249,
- group work20, 34, 44,
210, 246, 299,
- high school EFL students169–70, 183
- high schools241–42, 252,
257, 284, 293,
- Horwitz16, 46, 53–55, 61, 76,
83, 89, 108, 113, 133,
- HyejinAn & Shaofeng Li54–195
- ID cluster profile330, 332–33
- ID dispositions16, 19, 38
- Ideal L2 Self73, 201, 217,
- ideal self17, 24, 32–33, 73–74
- ID factors and outcome variables25
- ID-Instruction-Interaction25
- idiodynamic ratings5, 19, 212,
- idiosyncrasies of task IDs21
- ID profiles12, 40–41, 307, 335
- IDs (individual differences)3–7, 10–17, 19–25, 38–40, 42–43, 45–49, 84–85, 107–9, 113, 159, 227–29, 262–63, 288–91, 303–8, 312–17, 329–35, 337–42, 344–51, 353–57, 362–65
- ID-treatment interaction10, 21
- ID variables5, 7, 11,
25, 356
- ID variables in task research5
- immediate feedback31, 90, 125
- impact of IDs on learning behaviours and outcomes38
- impact of motivation on task performance216
- Impact of training on teachers’ perceptions of TBLT249
- impact of working memory42, 166
- implementation and evaluation phases of TBLT228, 233, 334
- implementation of TBLT229, 231–33, 237–38, 243–44, 248–49, 255, 316, 337, 360
- implementation TBLT lessons249
- implicit aptitude15, 19, 24,
30–31, 41,
- implicit cues41, 266, 286
- implicit learning15–16, 18–19, 35, 37
- importance of IDs in TBLT11, 344
- importance of research on ID-treatment interaction10
- Indicators of cognitive engagement in interactions202
- individual differences in working memory and anxiety169, 180
- inductive learning15, 232
- influence of aptitude on L2157
- information gap36, 69, 71,
266, 272, 274,
276, 278
- information processing12, 17, 85,
90, 166
- Innovation2, 17, 21,
230, 237, 255–56, 260, 286
- input53, 55, 66,
77–78, 232,
277, 281, 296,
321, 323–24, 326, 331–33, 338, 341–42, 358
- Input, Processing, Output Anxiety (IPOA)26, 55, 61,
- input-based tasks11, 48, 268,
278–79, 282,
286, 339, 347,
351, 358
- input complexity18, 278, 358
- Input processing theory and individual difference factors in SLA48
- instrument for task IDs17
- intelligence, emotional188
- interaction3–5, 14–16, 25, 31,
33–37, 44–46, 53, 57–58, 69, 75–78, 131–34, 177, 188–89, 202, 269, 271–72, 274–78, 281–85, 304–6, 346
- exploring78, 134, 226,
- negotiated25, 107, 223,
226, 269
- interactional input77, 284
- Interaction Hypothesis14, 53, 68,
- interaction patterns46, 222, 269,
276, 279, 338
- interest85, 87, 89–90, 102–3, 200, 203–4, 218–19, 221, 247, 249, 321,
323, 326, 345,
- internal consistency96, 100, 103,
- internal reliability coefficient171
- inter-reliability172, 251
- introspective measures128
- IPOA (Input, Processing, Output Anxiety)26, 55, 61,
- Kellogg161, 163, 165,
167–68, 186
- Kim32, 36, 46–47, 76–77, 219, 221–22, 224, 226, 244,
247–48, 256–57, 285–86, 346
- Korean59, 80–81, 207, 209, 240,
296, 318
- L2 motivation factors, general33
- LABJ (Language Aptitude Battery for Japanese)140, 146, 148–49, 152–55, 157
- LABJ and LLAMA tests151, 153–54, 157
- language anxiety26, 47–48, 76, 78–79, 112, 115, 132–33, 185, 187, 350, 364
- Language Anxiety ScaleSee foreign language anxiety
- language aptitude7, 10, 12,
14–15, 18–21, 29–31, 35, 37–38, 40, 43, 45–46, 141–60, 347, 349–50, 354–57
- implicit19, 30–31, 37, 47
- language aptitude and working memory14, 18, 356
- Language Aptitude Battery for JapaneseSee LABJ
- language classroom, flipped259
- language learning aptitudeSee language aptitude
- language learning motivation31, 225
- language teaching, task-supported258, 345
- languaging140–42, 156,
160, 365
- learner agency17, 33, 37,
- learner autonomy38, 44, 258,
290–91, 298–99, 302, 306, 310, 356
- learner autonomy and self-efficacy291
- learner beliefs3, 20, 42–43, 46, 226,
230–31, 233–34, 290–91, 299,
347, 356
- learner engagement and task performance34, 43
- learner-external factors11, 180
- learner-internal factors11, 180
- learner motivation and engagement198–99, 201–27
- learner motivation and engagement research in TBLT198, 208–9, 219, 222, 285,
310, 361
- learners
- high-anxiety52, 61–66, 69, 74
- lower-proficiency168, 246, 347
- learners benefit, anxious37, 39–40, 43, 52, 61
- learner’s sense of self-efficacy303, 358
- learner strategies258, 290
- learner traits11, 21, 199
- learning process and outcome16, 19
- learning strategies12, 90, 230,
247, 249
- learning styles12, 75, 247,
- lexical sophistication167, 173
- Li7–8, 19–20, 22–27, 29–31, 33–36, 43–49, 75–78, 85–91, 102–9, 132–33, 143–44, 156–57, 159, 166–68, 185–88, 222–25, 256–58, 309–10, 346–50, 359–62
- Limited Attentional Capacity13–14, 361
- Limited Attentional Capacity Hypothesis163, 351
- linguistic complexity and fluency168, 183
- linguistic support321–22, 325–26, 330, 334, 340–42
- listening56, 92–93, 103, 238, 246,
252, 258, 293,
297, 322, 328
- LLAMA30, 140, 146,
148–49, 152–55, 157
- LLAMA tests29, 151, 153–54, 157
- LLBA (Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts)57, 205, 259
- low anxiety learners41, 58, 62–65, 69–70, 74
- low L2 proficiency levels45, 111–37, 223, 360
- low-proficient learners, particular126
- LREs (language-related episodes)11, 25, 29,
33, 40, 42, 54, 57,
69–70, 202,
214, 351–52
- MacIntyre45, 47, 55,
76–77, 80–81, 85, 87,
102–3, 106–8, 112, 114–16, 127–28, 132–33, 212–13, 224–25
- match37, 40, 165,
321, 323, 333,
352, 357–58
- mean segmental type-token ratioSee MSTTR
- measures, interrater reliability120
- measures of complexity346, 351–52
- measures of task enjoyment27–28
- mediating role25, 107, 233
- meta-analysis12, 19, 29–30, 46–48, 55–56, 76, 78–79, 134, 187, 255–58, 347
- meta-analysis and research synthesis46, 257
- meta-analysis of studies35, 47, 257
- metalinguistic feedback29–30, 37,
39–40, 61–65
- metalinguistic reflections40, 44, 142,
- methods, qualitative60–61, 82–83, 242
- MLAT (Modern Language Aptitude Test)29, 140, 143–44, 146, 148, 151–55, 157–58, 350
- modality44, 49, 60–61, 67, 81,
186, 189, 208,
210, 353, 357
- modes28, 54, 72,
106, 125, 219,
332, 340–42
- modified output48, 57, 70,
78, 214, 270–72, 281
- monologic18, 58, 60,
74, 80–81, 128, 346
- morphosyntactic accuracy161, 176–79, 183
- motivation3–6, 10–12, 15–17, 19, 23–26, 29, 31–34, 37–39, 42–48, 75–79, 198–201, 204–13, 215–17, 219–27, 290–98, 308–11, 346–47, 349–50, 355–57, 360–61
- instrumental31–32, 34, 211–12, 216, 291–92
- motivational45, 200, 204,
- motivational flow200, 204
- motivation and anxiety4, 24, 48,
78, 227, 297
- motivation and engagement33, 199, 204,
219, 221, 225,
- motivation and engagement research in TBLT219, 353
- Motivation and task performance222
- motivation in English language learners225
- motivation in TBLT39, 201
- motivation levels45, 204, 223,
292, 294, 310
- motives23, 200–201, 204, 206, 211–12, 216, 221
- general L2201, 204, 211–12, 216–17
- task engagement Operationalization General L2206
- MSTTR (mean segmental type-token ratio)173–75, 177
- Multicultural Development364, 366
- multidimensional67, 90, 202–3
- mutuality20, 44, 203,
276, 279, 284
- narrative synthesis and meta-analysis30
- narrative tasks14, 17, 27,
33, 88, 123, 127, 129,
167, 169, 182–83
- nature2, 4, 11,
16, 29, 32, 35, 87,
89, 216, 220, 334–35
- dynamic88, 114, 128,
222, 338
- negative effects of IDs39
- negative emotions85, 106, 131
- negotiation for meaning68–69, 125,
227, 268–69, 273, 284–85, 301, 346, 351
- NNS-NNS77, 269–70, 273, 284
- non-linguistic outcomes293, 313
- noticing30, 44, 56,
63–64, 66,
68, 73, 140–43, 145, 156, 159
- novice language teachers255, 337
- NS-NNS77, 269–71, 273, 284
- older learners20, 44, 262–63, 265, 271–72, 275, 281, 285
- online28, 57, 65,
70, 72, 76–77, 236, 241, 251, 317–19, 327
- online/distance learning325–26, 331–33
- operationalisation of beliefs228, 233, 236–38, 254
- operationalizations of learner motivation and engagement198
- opportunities to focus on form36, 265
- oral corrective feedback48, 77–78
- oral languaging141–42, 150
- oral modality68, 219, 321–23, 325–26, 331,
- oral tasks30, 33, 61,
68, 90, 92–95, 97–98, 101, 103–6, 110–11, 115, 208, 210, 219,
- outcome variables11, 21, 24–25, 33, 37,
165, 174, 176,
- outcome variables for teacher IDs21
- output53, 55, 66,
68–69, 71,
73, 77, 262–63, 270–71, 281, 286, 325–26, 328
- pairs22, 205, 210,
267, 271–73, 280, 299, 303–6, 322, 327, 331
- pedagogical implications48, 104, 158,
162, 184–85, 222, 230, 269,
275, 316, 336
- pedagogic task sequencing8, 188
- peer interaction91, 95, 223,
249, 262, 281,
286, 303, 365
- peers39, 64, 66,
87–88, 103,
211–12, 215,
220, 270, 273,
- perspectives on task IDs17
- Peter Skehan2, 4, 6, 8, 43, 48, 109, 223,
227, 367
- phonological loop34–35, 166
- pictures36–37, 116–17, 149, 158, 165, 170–72, 184, 267, 272–74, 346, 355
- Pimsleur Language Aptitude Battery144, 159
- planning2–3, 13–14, 18, 40,
42, 44, 130, 132, 161–62, 164–67, 169–72, 174–76, 179–82, 184–87, 302–4
- planning and report stages304–5
- planning conditions161–62, 165,
167–69, 171,
174, 176–79, 183
- planning conditions in L2162, 168
- planning groups165, 171, 175,
177–80, 184
- pre-task161, 165, 174,
178–79, 181
- within-task165, 174–76, 179, 181
- planning stage295, 304, 308
- planning time36, 48, 111–12, 117–19, 124,
128–29, 163,
183, 185, 328,
- planning type7, 44, 75,
161–94, 222,
- Positive affective experiences89
- positive attitudes33, 63, 65,
97, 216–17
- positive delivery of corrective feedback29, 37
- positive effects for anxiety in simple tasks185
- positive emotions26, 84–85, 89–90, 108, 123, 126, 129
- positive feelings34, 41, 95,
97, 102, 218, 232, 246,
- positive psychology84–87, 90,
106–8, 132–33, 366
- positive psychology and TBLT86, 106
- positive psychology perspective86, 104, 106
- post-task14, 18, 136,
200, 321–22, 328
- potential fluctuations of task anxiety130
- Prabhu161, 188, 264,
286, 301–2, 308, 310, 367
- practitioners2, 44, 129,
183–84, 288–89, 293, 354
- predictors of task anxiety118–20
- pretask explicit instruction40
- pre-task motivational training24
- pre-task planning4, 14, 37,
41–42, 161–62, 165–66, 169–72, 174–86, 190,
345, 350
- pre-task planning and within-task planning37, 41, 162
- pre-task planning on fluency181
- procedural memory to accuracy48
- processing, cognitive47, 77, 133
- processing anxiety67–68, 184
- processing demands35, 162, 166,
- Processing Instruction282
- production practice30–31, 37,
- proficiency, low111–12, 167,
183, 247, 249
- qualitative analyses8, 57–58, 124, 160, 243
- qualitative results28, 121–23
- questionnaires23, 27, 55,
57, 78, 81, 117–18, 126, 128, 172,
212–15, 217,
220, 243–44, 356
- recall, stimulated20, 27, 33,
55, 213, 243
- recognition test145, 147–48, 152, 156
- reflections on task-based language teaching256, 283, 337
- regression analyses, multiple161, 176
- reliability
- acceptable internal consistency103, 120, 149,
- Reliability and validity96, 99
- repetition18, 30, 36,
106, 195, 277,
- research on aptitude30, 37
- research on task emotions85, 90, 106,
- research syntheses10, 24, 26,
43, 47, 159, 187, 257
- research synthesis and meta-analysis187, 255
- resource-directing13, 17, 21,
124, 162, 349
- resource-directing cognitive demands124
- resource-dispersing/performative125
- responses, negative affective207, 352
- Révész29, 31, 46,
68–69, 76,
78, 81, 112, 114, 126,
144–45, 156–57, 159–60, 167–68, 354
- review of learner motivation8, 47, 77,
- Robinson13, 53, 66,
76–78, 112–16, 118–20, 124–25, 134, 141–43, 160, 162–63, 184–85, 187–88, 199, 337
- role of language anxiety132, 188, 364
- role of working memory in L2167
- role of written languaging in L2141
- roles of working memory37, 161, 177–78
- roles of working memory and anxiety161, 175
- SCMC (synchronous computer-mediated communication)69–71, 75–76, 218, 328
- SCMC learning environment44, 79
- second language acquisitionSee SLA
- Second language anxiety48, 78, 134
- Second language task complexity48, 76, 78,
187–88, 256
- Second Language Writing Anxiety InventorySee SLWAI
- self-determination theory226
- self efficacy38, 109, 250,
293, 303, 308
- self-efficacy12, 250, 290–91, 297–303, 305–6, 353, 356–58, 360
- self motivation, ideal17, 24, 32–33, 73–74
- sense of ownership294, 297
- sense of self-efficacy298, 306, 353,
356, 358
- sequence13, 112, 165,
194, 313
- settings, computer-mediated208, 218–19
- Shaofeng Li10–30, 34,
36, 40, 42, 44, 46,
48, 52, 161, 309
- simple tasks25, 28–31, 33, 37, 39–40, 43, 52–53, 66–68, 111, 119–26, 128, 131, 167,
169, 184–85
- Skehan7–8, 13–14, 48, 107,
109, 132, 134,
143, 157, 159–60, 162–63, 187–88, 310, 348–49, 360–61
- Skill Acquisition Theory15
- SLWAI (Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory)60–61, 67,
70, 80–83, 168
- social engagement202–3, 207,
213–15, 218,
222, 351–52
- source of task enjoyment103
- Sources of individual differences in L278, 189
- sources of task anxiety27, 124
- Spanish59–60, 75,
80–83, 87,
115–16, 136,
207–9, 239–40, 315, 317–18, 365
- speaking63–64, 66–67, 90–93, 118–20, 142, 183, 187, 246–48, 250, 252, 296–97, 299–300, 303, 328, 367
- speaking anxiety65, 68, 70,
72, 75, 168
- specificity of task IDs17
- stakeholders232, 238–39, 253, 282
- state anxiety26, 44, 54,
67, 69–70, 75, 80–81, 114, 132, 136
- state anxiety conceptualization114, 310
- state emotion88–89, 103–4
- state enjoyment86, 88, 91,
- storyline116, 118, 123,
126–27, 129,
- strategies, pre-task motivational34, 39
- structural equation modeling65, 109
- Swain78, 132, 141–42, 156, 159–60, 203, 227
- syllabus2, 13, 231–32, 239, 263, 278, 280, 285,
292, 314–15
- synchronous18, 69, 74–76, 218–19, 221
- synchronous CMC48, 54, 71,
77, 78
- synchronous computer-mediated communicationSee SCMC
- synchronous written corrective feedback (SWCF)221, 224
- syntactic complexity129, 161, 167,
169, 173, 179–80, 184–85
- syntactic complexity and accuracy129, 169
- synthesis26, 29, 35,
43, 167, 228–29, 234, 256, 259, 353
- synthetic review46–47, 187
- systematic review181, 186–87, 198, 223–24, 228–29, 231–36, 250, 252, 254,
256–59, 360
- task anxiety24, 26–28, 37, 39, 43,
45, 48, 55, 69, 71–75, 111–37, 217, 358, 360
- task anxiety and task enjoyment37, 124, 127,
- task anxiety in L2111–12, 117,
121, 125
- task attitude33, 211–12, 217
- task-based assessment255, 275–76
- task-based corrective feedback52, 56, 61
- task-based innovation in primary schools255, 283, 337
- task-based language teaching in China257
- task-based training255, 316, 337
- task completion72, 85, 111,
114, 128, 172,
181, 200, 298,
301, 306
- task complexity13, 28–29, 35–36, 43–46, 52, 66–68, 75–78, 108–9, 111–37, 162–63, 168–69, 185–89, 225–26, 316, 338–39, 358, 360–61
- task complexity and task anxiety43, 115, 121,
125, 130
- task complexity demands124–25
- task complexity levels68, 128
- task conditions3, 5, 14,
25, 28–29, 35, 120, 131,
162, 168–69, 171
- task cycle40, 200–201, 288, 295, 301–3, 305–6, 309
- task design5, 39, 85,
113, 134, 217,
229, 250, 288,
291, 315
- task design and implementation85, 288, 315
- task difficulty78, 113, 117,
134, 162–63, 199, 211–12, 221, 226, 274,
- task emotions28, 89, 91,
95, 106, 109
- task engagement34, 37, 52,
56–57, 69–70, 90, 200–204, 206–8, 210–11, 213–18, 220–21, 223, 225–27, 353–54
- task engagement behaviors56, 68, 217,
- task enjoyment27–28, 37,
39, 43, 46, 84–109, 111, 120, 123–24, 126–27, 131,
133, 216–17
- task enjoyment in L289, 91
- task enjoyment-self27, 95, 97,
99–100, 102
- task enjoyment-social95, 97, 99–100, 102
- task enjoyment-task characteristics27, 95, 97,
99–100, 102
- task familiarity21, 39, 115,
118–19, 129,
- task goal298–99, 303,
- task IDs10, 12, 16–24, 201, 350
- task IDs and general L2 IDs23
- task modality52, 54, 56–57, 70, 73,
112, 115, 118,
120, 198, 204,
207, 210
- task mode58, 71–72, 125, 128
- task motivation16–17, 23–24, 32–34, 37, 39, 41,
46–48, 200–201, 204, 206, 211, 216–17, 220, 223–27
- task orientations104, 247
- task outcomes300, 302, 344,
348, 354, 358
- task planning16, 21, 36–37, 161–62, 166, 168, 175,
- task repetition11, 14, 44,
111, 115, 118–19, 129, 132–33, 150, 158, 283
- tasks
- adapted321, 323–24, 335, 352
- argumentative17, 167–69, 183
- consciousness-raising215, 227
- spot-the-difference273, 275
- tasks and task modality262, 281
- task selection263, 274, 352–53
- task-supported language teaching (TSLT)258, 345
- task types4, 41, 45,
58, 60, 118–19, 133, 216, 218, 263,
268, 278, 349
- task work and written languaging on L2141
- TBLT, implementing228, 231, 238,
- TBLT belief studies231, 244
- TCF (triadic componential framework)8, 113, 116,
- teacher- and student-selected content33
- teacher beliefs20, 229–31, 237, 254, 347
- teacher characteristics106, 258
- teacher cognition230, 239
- teacher educators345, 348
- teacher guidance271–72, 279,
- Teacher IDs and task adaptations7, 46, 224,
312–41, 360
- teacher participants241–42, 250–51, 279, 316–17, 321, 329–30, 334, 336
- teachers’ beliefs and practices249, 257, 259,
- Teachers’ perceptions223, 257, 284
- technology41, 72, 77,
84, 92, 120, 225, 227,
255, 258–59, 364, 366
- test anxiety56, 65, 295,
- tests of language aptitude19, 38
- thematic analyses55, 312, 317
- theory2, 6–8, 10–11, 13,
15, 42–43, 47, 108, 133,
159–60, 163,
284, 286
- theory of task complexity358
- think-alouds321, 335, 339
- time limit18, 37, 94,
117, 130, 149,
165, 181
- timing of corrective feedback17, 31, 35,
45, 257
- trait11, 27, 54,
86–87, 89,
113, 115, 131,
200, 227, 348
- trait anxiety26–27, 54,
113, 130
- Triadic Componential Framework8, 113, 116,
- triangulating128, 252, 279,
321, 329, 336
- TSLT (task-supported language teaching)258, 345
- uptake29, 40, 78,
267, 270–72, 285
- validating7, 47, 128,
- validation20, 22, 24,
43, 108, 251
- validity22–24, 55,
96, 99, 103, 105, 116
- predictive22, 24, 31,
- validity and reliability55, 244
- variables
- cognitive12, 14–16, 19, 356
- resource-dispersing13–14, 17, 21, 163
- variables in mediating and moderating10
- variations of enjoyment88, 104
- verbal reports23, 198, 206,
- VR (virtual reality)18, 24, 29,
37, 72–74, 77–78, 218, 220
- weak version of TBLT231, 248, 253
- Willis43–44, 199–200, 244, 246, 258, 289, 306,
309–11, 313,
339, 354–56, 358, 362
- Willis & Willis231–32, 253,
289, 293, 302,
- within-task planning (WTP)14, 18, 37–38, 40–42, 161–62, 165–66, 169–72, 174–85, 191
- working memory35–37, 147,
150, 167–68, 178, 182–83, 188–89, 295, 306, 309, 363,
365, 367
- working memory (WM)3–4, 7–8, 10, 12–14, 18–19, 24–26, 29–31, 34–38, 40, 42–45, 75, 85–86, 161–64, 166–94, 355–56
- working memory, verbal executive35
- working memory and anxiety161–62, 169,
175, 180
- working memory and L235, 44, 47,
49, 166, 168–69, 171–72, 176, 183, 186–87, 189
- working memory and within-task planning42
- written languaging7, 40, 46,
76, 140–43, 145–60, 310, 354, 360
- WTPSee within-task planning
- younger263, 266–67, 271–73, 276, 278–79, 283, 285
- younger child learners264, 276, 279,
- young learners20, 48, 74,
260, 262–63, 265, 267, 271–72, 274–83, 285,