Cited by (38)

Cited by 38 other publications

Abdi Tabari, Mahmoud, Phil Hiver & Reza Norouzian
2024. Interactions between task complexity, task repetition, and task motivation in L2 writing. Language Teaching Research DOI logo
Karimpour, Sedigheh & Hossein Kargar Behbahani
2024. Contribution of Interventionist Dynamic Assessment to the Acquisition of Modal Verbs: The Moderating Role of Field (In)dependence and Working Memory. European Journal of Education DOI logo
Lee, Sunjin, Eunjin Gye & Juno Baik
2024. Relationship between Task Complexity and Learner Factors: An Analysis of Intermediate and Advanced Learners of Korean Language . Lanaguage Research 60:1  pp. 55 ff. DOI logo
Mora, Joan C., Ingrid Mora‐Plaza & Gonzalo Bermejo Miranda
2024. Speaking anxiety and task complexity effects on second language speech. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 34:1  pp. 292 ff. DOI logo
Qian, Li, Sarimah Shamsudin & Zuraidah Mohd Don
2024. Effects of Task Complexity on Chinese EFL Learners’ Language Production in Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication. Sage Open 14:3 DOI logo
Sletova, Natalia
2024. Task modality and working memory: oral production improvement through a text-reconstruction task across various proficiency levels in L2. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching DOI logo
Wu, Libo & Hasliza Binti Abdul Halim
2024. Task complexity and foreign language writing emotions as predictors of EFL writing performance. Frontiers in Education 9 DOI logo
Greco, Gabriella, Boin Choi, Kasey Michel & Susan Faja
2023. Here’s the story: Narrative ability and executive function in autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 101  pp. 102092 ff. DOI logo
Qian, Li & Sarimah Shamsudin
2023. One size fits all? The role of task complexity in L2 production via the audio chat. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education 8:1 DOI logo
Rezaei, Amir & Antonella Valeo
2023. Investigating the impact of task complexity on uptake and noticing of corrective feedback recasts. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 61:4  pp. 1271 ff. DOI logo
Sletova, Natalia & Ludmila Isurin
2023. Relationship between written and spoken text recall in L2. Foreign Language Annals 56:1  pp. 102 ff. DOI logo
Albert, Ágnes
2022. The Task-Based Study: Investigating Learners’ Motivation, Emotions, Self-Efficacy Beliefs, and Flow State in Relation to Their Performance on Language Tasks. In Investigating the Role of Affective Factors in Second Language Learning Tasks [Second Language Learning and Teaching, ],  pp. 91 ff. DOI logo
Awwad, Anas & Parvaneh Tavakoli
2022. Task complexity, language proficiency and working memory: Interaction effects on second language speech performance. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 60:2  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo
Qiu, Xuyan
2022. Picture or non-picture? The influence of narrative task types on lower- and higher-proficiency EFL learners’ oral production. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 60:2  pp. 383 ff. DOI logo
Son, Myeongeun
2022. The role of modality and working memory capacity in L2 production. Language Teaching Research DOI logo
Veraksa, Aleksander, Daria Bukhalenkova, Natalia Kartushina & Ekaterina Oshchepkova
2022. Language Development and Executive Functions in Russian 5–7-Year-Old Children: A Longitudinal Study. In Child Development in Russia [Early Childhood Research and Education: An Inter-theoretical Focus, 3],  pp. 37 ff. DOI logo
Brown Nielson, Katharine & Robert M. DeKeyser
2021. Working memory and planning time as predictors of fluency and accuracy. In Aptitude-Treatment Interaction in Second Language Learning [Benjamins Current Topics, 116],  pp. 117 ff. DOI logo
Kim, Shinyoung, Jia Han & Dongsun Yim
2021. Relationship between Executive Function and Narrative Skills in Preschool Children. THE KOREAN JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 34:2  pp. 61 ff. DOI logo
Russak, Susie & Elena Zaretsky
2021. Cognitive and Linguistic Skills Associated With Cross-Linguistic Transfer in the Production of Oral Narratives in English as a Foreign Language by Arabic- and Hebrew-Speaking Children: Finding Common Denominators. Frontiers in Psychology 12 DOI logo
Skorobogatova, Aleksandra S., Anna Smirnova Henriques, Svetlana Ruseishvili, Irina Sekerina & Sandra Madureira
2021. Verbal working memory assessment in Russian-Brazilian Portuguese bilinguals. Cadernos de Linguística 2:4  pp. e572 ff. DOI logo
Malicka, Aleksandra
2020. The role of task sequencing in fluency, accuracy, and complexity: Investigating the SSARC model of pedagogic task sequencing. Language Teaching Research 24:5  pp. 642 ff. DOI logo
Brown Nielson, Katharine & Robert DeKeyser
2019. Working memory and planning time as predictors of fluency and accuracy. Journal of Second Language Studies 2:2  pp. 281 ff. DOI logo
Crossley, Scott A. & YouJin Kim
2019. Text Integration and Speaking Proficiency: Linguistic, Individual Differences, and Strategy Use Considerations. Language Assessment Quarterly 16:2  pp. 217 ff. DOI logo
Goo, Jaemyung
2019. Interaction in L2 Learning. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning,  pp. 233 ff. DOI logo
Granena, Gisela & Yucel Yilmaz
2019. Phonological short-term memory capacity and L2 oral performance. Journal of Second Language Studies 2:2  pp. 317 ff. DOI logo
Granena, Gisela & Yucel Yilmaz
2021. Phonological short-term memory capacity and L2 oral performance. In Aptitude-Treatment Interaction in Second Language Learning [Benjamins Current Topics, 116],  pp. 153 ff. DOI logo
Hejazi, Zahra, Jungna Kim, Teresa Signorelli Pisano, Yasmine Ouchikh, Aviva Lerman & Loraine K. Obler
2019. Brain‐based Challenges of Second Language Learning in Older Adulthood. In The Handbook of the Neuroscience of Multilingualism,  pp. 408 ff. DOI logo
Ortiz-Neira, Ramón Antonio
2019. The Impact of Information Gap Activities on Young EFL Learners’ Oral Fluency. Profile: Issues in Teachers´ Professional Development 21:2  pp. 113 ff. DOI logo
Veraksa, A.N., E.S. Oshchepkova, D.A. Bukhalenkova & N.A. Kartushina
2019. The Relationship of Executive Functions and Speech Production in Senior Preschool Children: Working Memory and Storytelling. Clinical Psychology and Special Education 8:3  pp. 56 ff. DOI logo
Wen, Zhisheng (Edward) & Shaofeng Li
2019. Working Memory in L2 Learning and Processing. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning,  pp. 365 ff. DOI logo
Xing, Jiaxin & Shaoqian Luo
2019. The effects of reasoning demands on Chinese EFL learners’ oral performance and cognitive processes. In Researching L2 Task Performance and Pedagogy [Task-Based Language Teaching, 13],  pp. 153 ff. DOI logo
2018. Task Complexity and Modality: Exploring Learners’ Experience From the Perspective of Flow. The Modern Language Journal 102:1  pp. 162 ff. DOI logo
Cárdenas, Anderson Marcell
2018. Tackling Intermediate Students’ Fossilized Grammatical Errors in Speech Through Self-Evaluation and Self-Monitoring Strategies. Profile: Issues in Teachers´ Professional Development 20:2  pp. 195 ff. DOI logo
Zalbidea, Janire
2017. ‘One Task Fits All’? The Roles of Task Complexity, Modality, and Working Memory Capacity in L2 Performance. The Modern Language Journal 101:2  pp. 335 ff. DOI logo
Kim, YouJin, Caroline Payant & Pamela Pearson
2015. THE INTERSECTION OF TASK-BASED INTERACTION, TASK COMPLEXITY, AND WORKING MEMORY. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 37:3  pp. 549 ff. DOI logo
Ishikawa, Tomohito
2014. The Influence of Intentional Reasoning on EFL Fluency Using Tasks. In Exploring EFL Fluency in Asia,  pp. 143 ff. DOI logo
Manchón, Rosa M.
2014. The internal dimension of tasks. In Task-Based Language Learning – Insights from and for L2 Writing [Task-Based Language Teaching, 7],  pp. 27 ff. DOI logo
Kormos, Judit & Anna Trebits
2012. The Role of Task Complexity, Modality, and Aptitude in Narrative Task Performance. Language Learning 62:2  pp. 439 ff. DOI logo

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