This study investigates the effects of strategic planning on the accuracy of EFL learners’ performance on oral and written narrative tasks. The study addresses the complex relationship between the planning process and accuracy in task performance. Data collected from 60 learners in a Turkish EFL educational setting showed that strategic planning did not significantly affect accuracy on the oral task, and that it had an adverse effect on the written task. Modality (oral or written) made a significant difference under unplanned conditions. On the other hand, a post-task questionnaire revealed that we need to examine what learners attend to during the strategic planning phase to understand how they actually use the planning time and whether they change their focus of attention during the task performance phase. Through its focus on these aspects of task-based language teaching (TBLT) and learning, including planning time, accuracy, and oral and written modalities, this study brings to the fore these important aspects of how TBLT works in EFL settings.
2022. Participatory structure of planning and cognitive task complexity in L2 oral performance: a processing perspective. The Language Learning Journal 50:6 ► pp. 777 ff.
Mohammad Javad Ahmadian & Michael H. Long
2021. The Cambridge Handbook of Task-Based Language Teaching,
Newton, Jonathan
2021. The Adoption of Task-Based Language Teaching in Diverse Contexts. In The Cambridge Handbook of Task-Based Language Teaching, ► pp. 649 ff.
2021. Effects of Task Complexity on Text Easibility and Coherence of EFL Learners’ Narrative Writing. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi 11:1 ► pp. 36 ff.
Manchón, Rosa M. & Olena Vasylets
2019. Language Learning Through Writing: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Evidence. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning, ► pp. 341 ff.
O’Grady, Stefan
2019. The impact of pre-task planning on speaking test performance for English-medium university admission. Language Testing 36:4 ► pp. 505 ff.
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