‘Monitoring’ in translation
The role of visual feedback
We assume that visual feedback from the written trace during translation plays an important role in monitoring the
emerging translation. In this study, 44 participants translated with and without visual feedback from the target text (TT).
Numerous measures were used to explore the differences between the texts that were created in the two conditions and the
characteristics of the task performance in the two conditions. The impact of ST-TT semantic and syntactic relationships showed
that there were differences on two of three behavioural measures across conditions. In the comparison of features of the
translation process, findings show that ST reading times were longer without visual feedback, while increased translational choice
(implying more monitoring) affected eye movements on the source text (ST) in the same way in both conditions. We found that,
without visual feedback, when faced with more translational options, translators read the ST less linearly. Participants were more
likely to look at the TT screen or read the TT the longer they read the ST and the more the more translational options the ST
offered, even if the TT window was blank.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1The Hayes model of the writing process
- 1.2The writing model and working memory
- 1.3The written trace in the translation process
- 2.Data and method
- 2.1Participants
- 2.2Procedure
- 2.3Measures
- 2.4Data analysis
- 3.Results and discussion
- 3.1Product analyses
- 3.2Process analyses
- 3.2.1Traditional production and eye movement measures
- 3.2.2Activity units
- 4.Discussion
- 4.1Product measures
- 4.2Traditional production and eye movement measures
- 4.3Activity units
- 5.Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- Note
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