Towards a higher order thinking skills-oriented translation competence model
This article aims at exploring translation competence (TC) from the perspective of higher-order thinking skills
(HOTS), and developing a HOTS-oriented TC model accordingly. The underlying assumption is that the translation competence needed
to solve ill-structured translation problems is highly integrated HOTS in essence. Based on this assumption, a framework for
HOTS-oriented TC is presented, using features from the PACTE group’s TC model, and combining it with HOTS-specific features.
Subsequently, a HOTS-oriented TC model is constructed, which consists of three interrelated parts: HOTS (i.e., translation
problem-solving ability, translation decision-making ability, translation creative-thinking ability, and translation critical
thinking ability); translation knowledge, and translation thinking dispositions. Additionally, two other assumptions are made as
scaffolding to support our HOTS-oriented TC model. Finally, implications for TC studies and translation pedagogy are provided.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Defining higher-order thinking (HOTS) as it relates to translation
- 3.Revisiting PACTE group’s TC model from the perspective of HOTS
- 4.Construction of the HOTS-oriented TC model
- 4.1Redefining competence
- 4.2Components of HOTS-oriented TC
- 4.2.1Translation problem-solving ability
- 4.2.2Translation critical-thinking ability
- 4.2.3Translation creative-thinking ability
- 4.2.4Translation decision-making ability
- 4.2.5Translation thinking dispositions
- 5.Assumptions for a HOTS-oriented TC Model
- 6.Implications
- 7.Conclusion
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