Workload and cognitive architecture in translation
Merging models of bilingual language processing
This article endeavours to sketch out a consistent merger of models of language production and bilingualism that
are currently used in the fields of Translation and Interpreting and of psycholinguistics. The workload resource of Cognitive
Verbal Processing and the processing components that it serves are found to be of particular interest in this interdisciplinary
perspective. Known psycholinguistic effects that involve workload (i.e., a function of activation energy) are outlined with
particular emphasis on their possible relevance in translation processing. This suggests a number of potential lines of research
for both fields.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Types of translation
- 3.Models of language processing
- 3.1Translation and interpreting: Workload models
- 3.1.1The efforts models
- 3.1.2The cognitive load model
- 3.1.3Other translation tasks the cognitive load model
- 3.2Psycholinguistics: Architectural models
- 3.2.1Professionals and ‘regular’ bilinguals
- 3.2.2Cognitive architecture
- 3.3Architecture and resources
- 4.Cognitive activation: Workload in psycholinguists’ findings
- 4.1Frequency effects
- 4.2Priming effects
- 4.2.1Lexical priming
- 4.2.2Structural priming
- 5.More than priming
- 6.Conclusion
- Notes
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► pp. 542 ff.
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