Experimenting with audio description
When participants are all ears in CTIS
After years in the shadows of translation, research on audio description (AD) is now gaining momentum thanks to
its contribution to a more accessible and inclusive world. This paper claims that experimental AD studies have a rightful place in
cognitive translation and interpreting studies (CTIS) and discusses some of its limitations and prospects. The first section
introduces the relevance and interest of choosing accessibility as a general field of study and AD as a modality of accessible
translation. The second section takes a snapshot of existing experimental AD studies and summarizes their main results. Then, useful
tips are provided to help confront relevant challenges. The final section discusses the potential of AD research for advancing our
knowledge of sensory, multimodal, and cognitive processing and for transferring research results to society.
Article outline
- 1.Meeting at the start line: The right to universal accessibility and accessible translation
- 2.When the minority is heard: CTIS on AD
- 2.1A quick glance at the elaboration process
- 2.2Under the sharp eye of AV consumers
- 2.3Within the attentive ear of AD consumers
- 3.Confronting the weaknesses: Tips for experimental AD research in CTIS
- 4.Closer to the finish line: Embracing the potential of AD research
- Note
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