This paper presents an analysis of English motion verbs in the specialized field of adventure tourism and proposes
a terminological description of these verbs from a lexico-semantic approach. Motion verbs play a significant role in adventure
tourism as they express central actions that are carried out in this domain and connect participants, such as tourists, places and
typical instruments to these actions. The analysis aims to reveal how the linguistic properties of these verbs and their
interactions with participants contribute to the expression of knowledge. After stating our assumptions and reviewing previous
work, the article describes a corpus-based methodology to identify relevant verbs and the different steps taken to implement their
description in the DicoAdventure database. The methodology comprises three main steps and is illustrated by
applying it to a set of motion verbs extracted from the Advencor corpus.
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Durán Muñoz, Isabel
2022. El trabajo terminográfico basado en corpus: el caso del recurso DicoAdventure. Estudios de Traducción 12 ► pp. 109 ff.
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